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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
UK, France involved in Kiev’s latest attack on Russian energy infrastructure – Moscow
MotoGP star Lorenzo Savadori stretchered from track after horrific fireball crash at Styria Grand Prix (VIDEO)
Italian rider Lorenzo Savadori was involved in a crash with fellow racer Dani Pedrosa during the Michelin Grand Prix of Styria in an accident which triggered an intense inferno on the track.
Aug 9, 2021 14:29
Motorcycling in mourning: Jason Dupasquier, 19, dies in hospital from injuries sustained in horrific crash during race
Jason Dupasquier, the Moto3 driver who was airlifted to hospital in Italy after a harrowing accident in a race on Saturday, has died from his injuries after undergoing thoracic surgery, organizers have announced.
May 30, 2021 11:33
Sport in the COVID era: Three sports that have DELIVERED during the pandemic, and three that have struggled
The arrival of COVID-19 has thrown the sporting world into disarray, with sports battling to continue during the ongoing pandemic. RT Sport looks at three that have performed well, and three that have struggled.
Nov 20, 2020 13:22
'How did he walk away?' Motorcycle champ flips over top of bike at MotoGP, bounces backside-first on track in horror crash (VIDEO)
Moto2 world champ Alex Marquez escaped from a chilling crash during a MotoGP race in Valencia, hurtling over the bars of his bike on a tight turn before bouncing on his backside and skidding off the track at terrifying speed.
Nov 14, 2020 17:47
Head over heels: Teammates collide in SPECTACULAR practice crash at European MotoGP (VIDEO)
Two Moto3 teammates collided in a spectacular incident during practice for the European GP in Valencia, with Japanese rider Ryusei Yamanaka miraculously escaping serious injury in a stunning crash with teammate Sergio Garcia.
Nov 6, 2020 14:08
Vale's Viagra: Legendary MotoGP ace Valentino Rossi carries 'blue pill' helmet design for San Marino GP
Italian MotoGP legend Valentino Rossi is famous for his special helmet designs for his races, and his latest design has certainly attracted attention, with the lid carrying a familiar-looking blue pill paint job.
Sep 12, 2020 12:15
'NO BRAKES!' MotoGP star Maverick Vinales JUMPS OFF bike at 133 MPH as his brakes FAIL at the Styrian GP (VIDEO)
Just one week after he narrowly avoided being hit by two flying bikes at the Red Bull Ring, Yamaha MotoGP ace Maverick Vinales experienced another terrifying experience as he was forced to jump off his bike at 133 miles per hour.
Aug 23, 2020 15:39
'We could be writing obituaries right now': Valentino Rossi CHEATS DEATH as TWO flying bikes miss him by INCHES after 200mph crash
The Austrian MotoGP race at the Red Bull Ring was inches from a horrific tragedy as TWO flying bikes narrowly missed MotoGP legend Valentino Rossi and his teammate Maverick Vinales after a terrifying crash.
Aug 16, 2020 13:04
Miraculous Marquez: MotoGP champ Marc Marquez WILL RACE this weekend, one week after BREAKING HIS ARM at the same circuit (VIDEO)
MotoGP world champion Marc Marquez has incredibly been declared fit to race at this weekend's Andalusian Grand Prix, despite breaking his arm in a huge crash during a race last weekend.
Jul 23, 2020 18:23
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Kiev again violated US-backed energy ceasefire – Moscow (VIDEO)
American-designed HIMARS artillery was used in one of the three latest attacks on infrastructure, according to the Defense Ministry
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Powerful earthquake hits Myanmar with tremors felt in Thailand (VIDEOS)
ChatGPT is Russophobic – human rights chief
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‘My husband was killed in front of my eyes’: Elderly survivors recall crimes of Ukrainian occupation in Kursk Region
From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
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