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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Band students ordered to ‘fake play’ music amid Omicron
Band classes in a suburban Boston school system have gotten far quieter, as administrators are reportedly requiring students to silently finger their instruments without mouthpieces to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Jan 3, 2022 19:47
Ice queen to pop princess? Smouldering Olympic champ Sotnikova plots singing career after talent competition inspires her (VIDEO)
Figure skating siren Adelina Sotnikova has admitted she is eyeing up a new career in crooning after signing a contract with a music label.
Sep 3, 2021 17:24
‘Good on ya, ladies’: Feminist icon Pink offers to pay women’s beach handball team’s fines for swapping bikini bottoms for shorts
Pop superstar Pink has publicly praised the Norwegian female beach handball team for "protesting sexist rules about their uniform", offering to pay the fines given to them by the European Handball Federation over their kit choice.
Jul 26, 2021 16:32
‘I can’t stop laughing’: Kanye West mocked for attending game with tights on head in US stadium ‘where rapper is living’ (VIDEO)
Rapper and celebrity oddball Kanye West has been ridiculed for an apparent bizarre appearance and disguise at an Atlanta United football game, where he was rumored to have been kicked out of his seat by security after kick-off.
Jul 25, 2021 15:25
UFC’s McGregor sups whiskey with pop star Bieber in the sun as he backs Russian training partner Artem Lobov in bare-knuckle bout
UFC loser Conor McGregor has called himself 'Big Foot' while propping up his broken leg on a sun lounger in Beverly Hills alongside pop superstar Justin Bieber, promoting whiskey and sending a message to fighter pal Artem Lobov.
Jul 24, 2021 12:39
‘Peak hypocrisy’: Tokyo Olympics bashed for ‘worst part of the pandemic’ reminder after mega-rich celebrities sing Imagine (VIDEO)
The organizers of the Olympics have been accused of misjudging public appetite to be preached to by the rich and famous after commissioning a celebrity cast to cover John Lennon's 'Imagine' in a reprise of a pandemic PR disaster.
Jul 23, 2021 16:24
‘We will not let beautiful girls into the locker room’: Tearful pop star Buzova cannot visit players, says Russia boss Cherchesov
Russia boss Stanislav Cherchesov has snubbed a suggestion that Olga Buzova, the pop star who was reduced to tears on TV after being challenged on her knowledge of the national team, could enter their inner sanctum at Euro 2020.
Jun 15, 2021 15:59
‘Have you stopped drinking cognac in the morning?’: Russian pop star Buzova left in tears by bizarre Euro 2020 interview (VIDEO)
Russian pop star and noted football fan Olga Buzova was reduced to tears by host Dmitry Guberniev in a bizarre appearance on Match TV as she was discussing Russia's opening Euro 2020 defeat to Belgium.
Jun 14, 2021 18:45
‘Don’t be jealous’: Man United legend Patrice Evra sends hilarious taunting clip to City-loving Oasis star Liam Gallagher (VIDEO)
Manchester United legend Patrice Evra has goaded former Oasis lead singer Liam Gallagher after the Manchester City fan watched his team's 1-0 loss to Chelsea in the Champions League final in person in Porto on Saturday.
May 31, 2021 14:51
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Indian journalist calls out global media bias on Ukraine
After reporting for months from Donbass, TV9 editor Manish Jha shared his perspective of covering the conflict with RT
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