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Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Key points of Putin’s idea to place Ukraine under UN control
North America
Naked NFL star arrested after ‘attacking police officer’ (VIDEO)
NFL star Malik McDowell of the Cleveland Browns has been arrested for allegedly attacking a deputy and exposing himself in Florida.
Jan 19, 2022 10:26
US lawmakers want assurances over China Olympics slave labor claims
A commission of lawmakers in the United States has asked the IOC for 'assurances' that uniforms made ahead of the Winter Olympics in Beijing weren't made by organizations with alleged links to slave labor.
Jan 13, 2022 13:39
Russian skating icon refuses to apologize after ‘insulting’ American non-binary star
Russian former world ice dancing champion Alexander Zhulin has refused to apologize to American figure skater Timothy LeDuc, who is set to become the first non-binary athlete at the Winter Olympics.
Jan 13, 2022 11:58
Madden NFL video game is racist, claims uber-woke professor after icon’s death
An American college professor has drawn the wrath of Twitter for suggesting that the popular 'Madden NFL' video game franchise 'established a plantation cosplay' hours after the death of its inspiration, John Madden.
Dec 29, 2021 19:14
‘North American snobbery & greed’: Russian official condemns NHL Olympic snub
The refusal to allow NHL stars to appear at the Beijing Olympics supposedly because of Covid concerns is a commercial step based on North American snobbery and greed, says Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Chernyshenko.
Dec 28, 2021 10:22
What boycott? China says US officials have applied for Winter Olympics visas
Beijing has received visa applications from more than a dozen US officials for the Winter Olympics, according to a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
Dec 27, 2021 17:07
‘Traumatized’: US boxer shot dead in front of his 3 children
US boxer Danny Kelly Jr. was gunned down in front of his family in a Christmas Eve shooting which may stem from a road rage incident, according to police in Maryland.
Dec 27, 2021 11:39
High-five and hug between NFL star and Fox presenter proves too much for Twitter social distancing police (VIDEO)
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers made history in his team’s Christmas Day win against the Cleveland Browns, but the NFL icon’s post-game actions with a Fox TV presenter left some fans scratching their heads.
Dec 26, 2021 13:24
‘That’s a male body against females’: USA Swimming official quits over transgender college star (VIDEO)
A longtime USA Swimming official has resigned in protest over transgender college star Lia Thomas, lamenting that “everything fair about swimming is being destroyed.”
Dec 25, 2021 10:10
Top stories
France and UK rebrand possible military deployment to Ukraine
A “reassurance force” could be sent to the conflict zone, President Emmanuel Macron has said
Top Stories
Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow
Five injured in Amsterdam knife attack – police
Russia will never blindly trust ‘Western partners’ again – Putin
Putin calls for developing cities in Arctic Circle
Baltic NATO state voices alarm over UK troop reduction – Times
Zelensky speaks of ‘hatred of Russians’
Putin to visit India – Lavrov
Signal war plans leak: Bombing people is OK, talking about it is not
Donald Trump is the furthest thing from the ‘fascist’ his enemies brand him
This gathering showed why global power is shifting to the South
Something needs to be done to save Germany. €1 trillion of debt is not it
Team Macron’s new pitch: Jihadists are just Russians in disguise
Broken promises and burned pipelines: Why diplomacy with Kiev is a dead end
Boosting firepower: India shifts towards private defense manufacturing
The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
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Russia is in favour of ceasefire and Black Sea deal, but with nuances – Lavrov
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RT Features
‘They listened carefully’: Russian senator offers a glimpse into talks with US
‘We rightfully own this land’: Gaza’s residents on Trump’s proposed exodus
‘My husband was killed in front of my eyes’: Elderly survivors recall crimes of Ukrainian occupation in Kursk Region
From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
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