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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Arkansas Oil Spill
ExxonMobil to pay $5 million to government over Mayflower oil spill
In a consent decree filed before a federal court, subsidiaries of Exxon Mobil have agreed to pay almost $5 million to state and federal governments over the 2013 pipeline breach that spilled crude oil into the streets of Mayflower, Arkansas.
Apr 22, 2015 20:45
Exxon oil spill town 'deserted land', residents still getting sick, forced to abandon homes
Almost one year after ExxonMobil’s pipeline burst and caused a major oil spill near Mayflower, Arkansas, officials say the area is safe to live in. But locals are still suffering from dizziness, headaches, and nausea – prompting many to move away.
Feb 11, 2014 02:53
ExxonMobil Arkansas oil spill poses health risks for locals
After 210,000 gallons of heavy crude spilled into an Arkansas community, ExxonMobil assured residents that toxic chemicals have remained at safe levels. But locals say they are suffering from deteriorating health conditions and trouble breathing.
May 14, 2013 16:27
Arkansas oil spill: Timeline
Friday marks one week since an ExxonMobil pipeline burst in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, spilling thousands of barrels of toxic tar sands. Town residents say they are being kept in the dark over compensation and the cleanup by Exxon.
Apr 5, 2013 08:35
Exxon playing ‘divide and conquer’ in ‘Walking Dead’-like oil spill town
The Mayflower, Arkansas oil spill continues to be the source of questions about the long-term health, environmental and financial consequences for residents in a town the state’s attorney general described as a scene out of ‘The Walking Dead.'
Apr 4, 2013 18:08
FAA puts no-fly zone over Arkansas oil spill with Exxon employee in charge
The FAA announced a temporary no-fly zone would be enacted indefinitely over the Arkansas oil spill. With word that an Exxon employee was controlling the airspace, though, speculation pointed to the idea the oil company was trying to keep the media away.
Apr 4, 2013 03:59
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