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‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Ukraine ceasefire ‘within weeks’ – Trump envoy
Brussels terrorist attacks
Belgium convicts six for 2016 ISIS bombings – media
The deadliest peacetime attacks in the country’s history left 32 dead and nearly 900 injured
Jul 25, 2023 22:02
10 to be tried for Brussels bombings that killed 32, with 6 suspects already facing trial for Paris attacks
Ten men accused of being involved in the March 2016 bombings in Brussels, which killed 32 people, are to face trial, prosecutors have announced. Six of them are already accused in France over the Paris attacks a year before.
Sep 17, 2021 16:30
‘Why wasn’t Berlin attack suspect under tight surveillance?’
Why were sufficient precaution measures not taken in some European cities after the Europol warning of increased risk of terrorist attacks? What did intelligence services know about the alleged attacker? RT asked experts.
Dec 22, 2016 15:24
‘High level’ ISIS command behind Paris & Brussels terrorist attacks – Belgian prosecutor
The terrorist cell behind the deadly Paris and Brussels attacks received their orders from someone “very high” in the Islamic State chain of command, Belgium’s federal prosecutor announced.
Nov 10, 2016 04:51
Terrorists behind Paris & Brussels attacks got over €50K in welfare - report
At least five terrorists involved in the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks were receiving welfare benefits from the state, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing local authorities.
Aug 5, 2016 12:18
Brussels bomber’s brother to represent Belgium at Rio Olympics
A rising Belgian taekwondo star whose older brother was one of the suicide bombers in the terror attacks on Brussels has won gold at the European Championships and now will represent Belgium at the Rio Summer Olympics in August.
May 21, 2016 14:53
Top stories
Ukraine immediately broke Putin-Trump deal on energy targets – Moscow
The Ukrainian military allegedly attacked an energy site deep inside Russia after it announced a pause on long-range strikes
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Kremlin releases Putin-Trump phone call summary (FULL STATEMENT)
White House releases JFK assassination files
Two major EU nations reject Ukraine spending hike – Reuters
Trump and Putin have reached ‘consensus’ on Ukraine – Witkoff
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Israel resumes airstrikes in Gaza
Ukraine won’t recognize ‘occupied territories’ – FM
Why has Trump finally pulled the plug on deep state propaganda?
The West lives in a simulation while Russia is shaping the real world
Trial by fire: Why the West won’t admit the truth about the 2014 Odessa massacre
Why a ceasefire in Ukraine is easier said than done
Meet the warmongers: This is where the EU’s military frenzy is coming from
The EU’s plan for ‘peace’ is to buy more weapons with taxpayer money
The debt noose: Why does Africa remain trapped?
Macron’s Napoleon cosplay could come at a grave cost
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RT Features
‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call
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‘This isn’t war. It’s genocide’: Why the world is silent about massacres in Syria
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