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Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Charlie Hebdo attack
Iran summons French ambassador over ‘disgusting’ cartoons
Tehran’s outrage comes after Charlie Hebdo magazine mocked the nation’s top religious official
Jan 5, 2023 07:39
A woman was stabbed in Hyde Park. Media and authorities are acting as if she had it coming for wearing a Charlie Hebdo shirt
After a woman was brutally attacked at Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner, reports about the incident focused on what she wore, begging the question whether free speech is no longer sacred to people who run London and the UK.
Jul 26, 2021 20:18
Spanish police arrest ‘terrorist’ trio suspected of encouraging attacks against France over Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons
Police in Spain have arrested three people on suspicion of encouraging terrorist attacks against France after the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo republished cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in September last year.
Apr 29, 2021 18:55
Charlie Hebdo attack accomplices trial finds all 14 guilty, but France is a long way off solving its Islamist terrorism problem
The accessories to the gunmen who killed 17 people over two days in 2015 were all found guilty, but far from drawing a line under the problem of French Islamic fundamentalism, the trial revealed how deeply the virus is embedded.
Dec 16, 2020 20:12
14 convicted over Charlie Hebdo & Paris terrorist attacks in 2015, key suspect sentenced to 30 years in prison
A French court on Wednesday found 14 people guilty of being accomplices in the Paris 2015 terrorist attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, with one person jailed for 30 years for funding the attacks.
Dec 16, 2020 18:58
France’s bold stand for Charlie Hebdo liberty shames the cowardly UK & US cultural elites as they postpone a race-issue exhibition
As the bodies pile up in France’s defence of freedom of speech, imagined criticism from the Black Lives Matter movement has seen both British and American galleries put on hold a timely art show in case it upsets people.
Nov 10, 2020 07:04
Top stories
France and UK rebrand possible military deployment to Ukraine
A “reassurance force” could be sent to the conflict zone, President Emmanuel Macron has said
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Putin to visit India – Lavrov
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Donald Trump is the furthest thing from the ‘fascist’ his enemies brand him
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Team Macron’s new pitch: Jihadists are just Russians in disguise
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The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
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