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US and Russia to discuss Black Sea ceasefire – Washington | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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US and Russia to discuss Black Sea ceasefire – Washington | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Emmanuel Macron's comments on Islam
Shocked and ap-Paul-led: Man United’s Pogba accuses British paper of ‘big lies to make headlines’ after Solskjaer spat speculation
Paul Pogba has shown his disdain for a tabloid report in England claiming he shunned Man United boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer on one of the worst days of their careers – Sunday’s 5-0 defeat to bitter rivals Liverpool.
Oct 27, 2021 15:32
Controversial French magazine Charlie Hebdo portrays women wearing Lionel Messi burqas as part of Taliban joke on front cover
Controversial French publication Charlie Hebdo has used its front cover to show oppressed women wearing burqas with football superstar Lionel Messi's name on the back, adding that the Taliban are "worse than we think."
Aug 19, 2021 11:32
As the French military attack Macron with SECOND ‘civil war’ warning, how really likely is an Islamist-fuelled internal conflict?
Serving officers have again raised deep concerns over the French president’s inaction on radical Islamists in the country. He won’t solve the problem by seeking to silence dissenters rather than engage on the issues they raise.
May 11, 2021 14:21
Egypt and France conduct joint naval exercise as tensions ease following 2020 Prophet cartoon controversy
Egypt and France held a joint naval exercise over the weekend, as the two nations work together to ease tensions between Paris and the Muslim world sparked by the row over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
Mar 15, 2021 10:08
French education minister sparks outrage with warning about ‘Islamo-leftism’ in universities
The French minister for higher education has been criticized for warning about the spread of “Islamo-leftism” in France’s universities, raising concerns about the approach the government is taking in its fight against extremism.
Feb 17, 2021 15:30
France’s main Muslim organization slams three Islamic groups for not signing up to anti-extremism charter
The President of the French Council of the Muslin Faith (CFCM) has criticized three Islamic groups in the country over their decision to refuse to sign up to an anti-extremism charter proposed by President Emmanuel Macron.
Jan 21, 2021 13:11
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‘Nazis’ in Ukraine ‘nurtured’ by Europeans – Lavrov
The West is deliberately overlooking Kiev’s transgressions and using Ukraine as a tool against Russia, the foreign minister has claimed
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