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Moscow open to discussing Ukraine with Trump team | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Moscow open to discussing Ukraine with Trump team | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Lee Camp
‘This is not normal’: American police ‘armed to the teeth’ & ‘ready to kill,’ yet rarely face consequences, says Lee Camp
Americans are abused and killed on a daily basis by increasingly militarized law enforcement, yet officers almost never see punishment, said RT’s Lee Camp, as a wave of anger and unrest over police brutality sweeps the US.
Jun 3, 2020 01:11
‘America’s two-party oligarchy can’t relate to those in need’: Lee Camp says US coronavirus failure goes beyond just Trump
As the US teeters on the edge of abyss amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the crisis has revealed systemic flaws brought by years of two-party plutocracy that go beyond a single president, says Lee Camp, host of RT's Redacted Tonight.
Mar 19, 2020 00:17
MSM campaign against Sanders made half of America believe Bernie’s like a ‘CORONAVIRUS in a suit’ – Lee Camp
The corporate media certainly spared no effort in portraying Bernie Sanders as the biggest threat to America ahead of Super Tuesday, yet they failed to set him back, US comedian and host of RT's Redacted Tonight, Lee Camp, said.
Mar 7, 2020 14:36
Lee Camp roasts CNN over ‘shilling for Bloomberg’ after it extols veteran journalist endorsing the billionaire
By campaigning for billionaire Mike Bloomberg, veteran ABC newsman Sam Donaldson is just doing openly what mainstream US journalists try to hide, American comedian Lee Camp, host of RT’s Redacted Tonight, pointed out.
Feb 25, 2020 22:45
Lee Camp straightens out ‘sewage’ NYT article that claims Russian bots ‘sowed confusion’ in South America (VIDEO)
American comedian Lee Camp issued a scathing retort to a New York Times piece alleging that Russian bots stoked tensions in South America, jokingly noting that it would take several years to fully dissect the baseless report.
Jan 24, 2020 12:21
Bombshell!! Redacted Tonight’s Lee Camp takes on American media 'shock' over Afghanistan war report
A gobsmacking report lays bare some pretty obvious truths: the military is wasteful, the war in Afghanistan is unwinnable, and the government lies to you. Why is everyone acting so shocked? Lee Camp asked.
Dec 22, 2019 21:09
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