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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Kiev again violated US-backed energy ceasefire – Moscow (VIDEO)
No-deal Brexit
‘We will be trading on WTO terms,’ warns Gove, noting time to debate & approve a post-Brexit deal is running out
Gove warns UK will trade ‘on WTO terms’ if there’s no time for MPs to debate & approve a post-Brexit deal Gove warns UK will trade ‘on WTO terms’ if time runs out on post-Brexit deal, says MPs may have to work over Christmas.
Dec 17, 2020 15:57
London gives go-ahead for £20bn nuclear plant to secure UK’s energy future, reopens talks with French electricity giant EDF
Amid fears the UK could suffer widespread blackouts in the near future, the British government has restarted talks with French energy giant EDF to discuss possible state financing for part of the Sizewell C nuclear plant.
Dec 14, 2020 13:51
EU negotiations ‘like Groundhog Day,’ former UK international trade secretary claims
Former International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has accused the EU of repeatedly raising the same issues during negotiations, instead of working to find a compromise, likening the situation to “Groundhog Day.”
Dec 14, 2020 13:35
‘Brexit is madness’, French finance minister declares, claiming the British will be ‘the big losers’
France’s finance minister has claimed it’s the UK that will lose out big from Brexit, as the UK and EU attempt to overcome significant differences and secure a trade deal in extended, last-ditch talks.
Dec 14, 2020 10:17
British supermarkets warned to stash food on rising fears of no-deal Brexit – reports
As another round of talks between Britain and the EU seems to be ending in deadlock, UK ministers have reportedly warned retailers to start stockpiling food for fear of potential shortages in case of a no-deal Brexit.
Dec 13, 2020 09:45
‘We might get thrown out of NATO’: Twitter baffled & divided over UK govt idea to send warships against EU fishermen
Debates broke out on Twitter over the news that the Royal Navy was ready to deploy British patrol vessels to confront European fishing boats after a ‘no-deal’ Brexit.
Dec 12, 2020 14:04
Top stories
Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control
The current authorities in Kiev have lost the legitimacy needed to sign any peace agreements, the president has said
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