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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Rex Tillerson
Who are the good guys? ‘Machiavellian’ Netanyahu ‘played’ Trump repeatedly, says ex-Secretary of State Tillerson
US President Donald Trump got “played” with misinformation by Israeli officials including PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who’d take liberties with the truth if it would sway the US, according to ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Sep 20, 2019 01:01
Trump says Putin didn’t ‘out-prepare’ him at 1st meeting, bashes ‘dumb’ Rex Tillerson over claim
US President Donald Trump tore into Rex Tillerson after the former secretary of state said he was outclassed at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017.
May 23, 2019 15:17
Tillerson 2.0? Pompeo’s ‘undiplomatic’ remarks might land him in hot water with Trump, Kremlin hints
Donald Trump might have his own assessment of Mike Pompeo’s “undiplomatic” remarks about Russia, Moscow has suggested, referring to the president’s recent Twitter rampage aimed at his last secretary of state, Rex Tillerson.
Dec 11, 2018 13:54
‘Dumb as a rock’ & ‘lazy as hell’: Trump destroys Rex Tillerson in tweet praising Pompeo
US President Donald Trump lashed out at his first secretary of state, calling Rex Tillerson dumb and lazy after an interview in which Tillerson complained about his time at the State Department.
Dec 7, 2018 20:10
Tillerson ‘stopped Qatar invasion’ by Saudis & UAE, may have been fired for it – The Intercept
Rex Tillerson derailed a blitzkrieg plan by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to target Qatar and may have been fired as secretary of state for his actions, a report by The Intercept says.
Aug 1, 2018 15:51
High-ranking State Dept. official sacked after saying Tillerson was fired in a tweet
State Department Under Secretary Steve Goldstein was fired after he said his boss, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, was surprised by President Donald Trump's decision to oust him. He will be replaced by Heather Nauert.
Mar 14, 2018 02:50
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German media told to conceal Nazi symbols in Ukraine – Moscow
Berlin has forbidden journalists from showing banned images in their coverage, according to Russian intelligence
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