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US and Russia to discuss Black Sea ceasefire – Washington | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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US and Russia to discuss Black Sea ceasefire – Washington | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russian meteorite
WATCH burning asteroid light up sky over Russia
The rock lit up up after entering the atmosphere over eastern Siberia
Dec 3, 2024 18:53
‘A bright ball crossed the sky’: Falling METEOR spotted in Siberia (VIDEOS)
Bewildered residents in Russia have witnessed a spectacular glowing meteor shooting across the night sky. The incident was caught on CCTV cameras and was seen from several locations.
May 19, 2020 08:52
Earth hit by meteor explosion 10 times more powerful than nuclear bomb, but no one noticed (PHOTOS)
On December 18, 2018, the third largest meteor explosion in the last century occurred and almost no one noticed despite it emitting the equivalent energy of 173 kilotons of TNT – 10 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.
Mar 19, 2019 10:18
Chelyabinsk meteorite 'shrinks by 20kg' as skyfall anniversary approaches
Chelyabinsk is to celebrate one year since a meteorite hit the Siberian city with a scientific conference, a memorial stone and fireworks at the site of its landing. Meanwhile, the “birthday boy” from space has lost 20 kg in weight and got a bit rusty.
Feb 13, 2014 19:47
NASA: New Chelyabinsk-like meteor strike 7-times as likely as thought
New research out of NASA suggests the odds of the Earth being rocked by another meteorite on par with the one that unexpectedly shook Chelyabinsk, Russia earlier this year are higher than previously estimated.
Nov 7, 2013 19:40
Russian meteor shows 20,000,000 space rocks threaten Earth, scientists warn
The meteor that shocked Russia in February when it exploded in the skies above Chelyabinsk shows us that the danger from space rocks smashing into Earth is much bigger than previously thought, an international group of scientists has concluded.
Nov 7, 2013 19:24
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‘Nazis’ in Ukraine ‘nurtured’ by Europeans – Lavrov
The West is deliberately overlooking Kiev’s transgressions and using Ukraine as a tool against Russia, the foreign minister has claimed
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