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German media told not to reveal Nazi symbols in Ukraine, Moscow claims | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
World News
RT Features
German media told not to reveal Nazi symbols in Ukraine, Moscow claims | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
New US governor deletes de-gendered term from documents
Dropping the word ‘Latinx’ from paperwork in a US state was described as a gesture of respect to American Latinos
Jan 12, 2023 16:04
Ex-Trump press sec. Huckabee Sanders announces run for Arkansas governor, pledges to defend against ‘radical left’ in DC
Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday that she will run for governor of Arkansas in a widely-expected move.
Jan 25, 2021 13:58
Woke Twitter outraged after Sarah Sanders admits Trump joked she should ‘take one for the team’ after Kim Jong-un ‘winked’ at her
Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders revealed that Donald Trump joked she should “take one for the team” after Kim Jong-un “winked” at her in 2018, sending woke Twitter into meltdown mode over the “disgusting” comment.
Sep 2, 2020 17:38
‘Biden impersonating child’s stutter’ fails to join long list of gaffes, as Huckabee Sanders bears brunt of online rage (VIDEO)
Near the end of Thursday's Democratic debate, frontrunner Joe Biden impersonated a child’s stutter while speaking about people he meets on the campaign, in a move initially seen as a gaffe by some.
Dec 20, 2019 10:45
Melania Trump’s media liaison Stephanie Grisham named new White House press secretary
Melania Trump has announced that her spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham will replace Sarah Sanders as White House press secretary. Grisham is known for her sharp defense of the first lady in a hostile media climate.
Jun 25, 2019 16:57
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is leaving White House - Trump
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will leave the White House at the end of June, President Donald Trump has announced.
Jun 13, 2019 20:15
Top stories
German media told to conceal Nazi symbols in Ukraine – Moscow
Berlin has forbidden journalists from showing banned images in their coverage, according to Russian intelligence
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Macron’s Napoleon cosplay could come at a grave cost
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