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‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Scott Pruitt
EPA accused of ‘suppressing’ hazardous formaldehyde report
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have accused staff appointed by departing agency head Scott Pruitt of suppressing a report warning that most Americans are exposed to hazardous levels of formaldehyde.
Jul 6, 2018 17:41
Trump’s environment czar Pruitt cites ‘unrelenting attacks’ in resignation letter
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has resigned, citing “unprecedented” and “unrelenting attacks” on him and his family in a letter to President Donald Trump. Democrats have demanded his departure for months.
Jul 5, 2018 23:12
EPA chief Pruitt becomes latest Trump official to be harassed in a restaurant
EPA head Scott Pruitt has become the latest Trump official harassed by the #resistance in a restaurant, a week after Rep. Maxine Waters called for Democrats to “create a crowd and push back” against Trump staff in public places.
Jul 3, 2018 14:39
Trump's environment czar Pruitt in trouble over ethics
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, who is under scrutiny for his lavish spending habits at taxpayers' expense, must answer to ethics concerns, the White House has said.
May 11, 2018 02:24
EPA chief cites bible as he bans scientists it funds from advisory boards
EPA head Scott Pruitt cited the bible when announcing a raft of changes which will affect who can advise the agency on its science advisory boards. Critics have seen the move as an attack on independent science.
Nov 1, 2017 12:11
EPA faces lawsuit from 4 states & DC for keeping hazardous pesticide on market
A coalition of states have jumped aboard a lawsuit against Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt for not banning a purportedly dangerous chemical that can affect the development of a child’s brain.
Jul 7, 2017 03:37
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‘We owe them our peace’: How Moscow honors heroes of the Ukraine conflict
‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call
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