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Russian military using ground-mobile kamikaze drones (MOD VIDEO) | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Stephen Hawking
‘There is no God’: Stephen Hawking thought alien life or time travel more likely than divine creator
Legendary physicist Stephen Hawking did not believe in the existence of God, his final book reveals. The posthumous manuscript also delves into alien theories and the dangers of artificial intelligence.
Oct 18, 2018 09:48
Wealthy will create ‘superhuman race’: Stephen Hawking essays reveal dark prediction
A collection of newly published essays written by Stephen Hawking before his death reveal the iconic physicist believed wealthy people could create a new race of “superhumans” by editing their children’s DNA.
Oct 14, 2018 16:37
Russian astronomers devote newly-discovered black hole to Stephen Hawking
Russian astronomers have discovered a newborn black hole in the Ophiuchus constellation and have dedicated it to renowned English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, who devoted his entire life to the study of our universe.
Mar 21, 2018 04:26
Hawking predicts end of universe in his final work, leaves hint for unlocking parallel worlds
Physicist Stephen Hawking has reportedly left behind a final research paper that predicts how the universe will end. He also provides what he sees as the key to finding parallel universes.
Mar 19, 2018 01:32
‘Govts engaged in AI arms race’: Late Stephen Hawking’s interview with Larry King on RT (VIDEO)
Following the death of iconic astrophysicist Stephen Hawking at the age of 76, we recall his interview to TV great Larry King on RT. Among other issues, Hawking gave his take on overpopulation, AI’s challenges and global warming.
Mar 14, 2018 08:08
7 great quotes from stellar physicist Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking, a legendary physicist, cosmologist and author of several course-altering books died at the age of 76 on Wednesday. In a brief look back at his legacy, here are some of the great quotes from the stellar scientist.
Mar 14, 2018 05:14
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Ukrainian attack on EU-bound Russian gas pipeline: What happened
Moscow has slammed the sabotage as a provocation that violates the partial ceasefire
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