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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Kiev again violated US-backed energy ceasefire – Moscow (VIDEO)
Strasbourg shooting
Strasbourg Christmas market gunman killed in shootout with police (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
French police have killed the main suspect in the deadly Strasbourg Christmas market shooting, Cherif Chekat, following a dramatic, helicopter-assisted raid and a shootout in the city center.
Dec 13, 2018 20:15
Strasbourg football team close stadium to public in securty measure after 3 killed in deadly attack
French Ligue 1 club Racing Club de Strasbourg Alsace have extended security measures at their stadium and thanked well-wishers, after three people were killed in a deadly shooting attack at a popular Christmas market in the city.
Dec 13, 2018 17:01
Combat marginalization or expel troublemakers? MEPs offer solutions in wake of Strasbourg attack
The Strasbourg Christmas market shooting has fanned the flames of a debate about how to keep Europe safe, with MEPs from opposite sides of the aisle providing RT with radically different views about what must be done.
Dec 13, 2018 14:03
Focus on Yellow Vests & ‘systemic’ security failures: What allowed Strasbourg gunman to escape?
The inaction of the French security services coupled with the fact that French police had squarely focused on the popular Yellow Vests protests allowed the Strasbourg attacker to commit his rampage and flee, analysts believe.
Dec 12, 2018 20:49
Strasbourg gunman cried 'Allahu Akbar' during attack, has 27 convictions – prosecutor
Strasbourg gunman, identified as a 29-year-old who has a criminal history, shouted “Allahu Akbar,” according to public prosecutor. Four people have been detained on suspicion of having links to the suspect, who is on the run.
Dec 12, 2018 11:46
‘A reminder we are at war with Islamism’: French politicians react to Strasbourg shooting
After the latest deadly shooting on French soil with apparent terrorism connections, French politicians reacted to on social media. Amid an outpouring of support for the victims, some questioned France’s anti-terrorism policies.
Dec 12, 2018 11:17
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Putin proposes that UN temporarily govern Ukraine
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