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Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin issues Arctic warning to NATO
Superjet-100 crash-lands in Moscow
RT scoops International Emmy Awards nomination for its coverage of Moscow’s deadly 2019 Superjet crash
Comprehensive coverage of the crash that killed 41 passengers at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport last year, and a human insight into the resonating tragedy, has propelled RT to the finals of the 2020 International Emmy contest.
Aug 19, 2020 10:17
From lightning strike to fiery landing: IAC releases minute-by-minute account of SSJ-100 crash
The engines of the Superjet-100 that crash-landed in Moscow on May 5 were operational until touchdown despite a lightning strike. There were "peculiarities" in the actions of the pilots, a preliminary report concludes.
Jun 14, 2019 23:16
550 commercial pilots suspended amid ‘serious problems’ in Russian aviation – Prosecutor General
The recent deadly crash-landing of a Sukhoi Superjet-100 was a result of the poor state of Russia’s aviation industry, with pilots lacking qualification and outdated safety regulations, the country’s Prosecutor General said.
May 29, 2019 15:59
Landing of Superjet-100 was not declared emergency until fiery crash-landing – airport
Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport has released a timeline of the Superjet-100 crash-landing and fire that killed 41 people on Sunday, which states that the crew sent a ‘pan-pan’ signal as radio and autopilot systems went down....
May 7, 2019 19:50
‘Plane was burning like PLASTIC CUP’: Russian jet crash survivor recalls harrowing escape from fire
A passenger from Aeroflot Flight SU1492, who is considered the last person to escape from the flame-engulfed plane, says the jet turned into a death trap within seconds, leaving little chance of survival for people at the back.
May 7, 2019 15:33
People bring flowers & toys to commemorate Superjet-100 crash-landing victims (VIDEO)
The news of 41 deaths in the crash-landing of a Superjet-100 in Moscow stunned residents in the northern Russian city of Murmansk, where the plane was headed. Improvised memorials popped up at the local airport and main street.
May 7, 2019 01:34
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Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow
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