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Another Russian journalist killed in Ukrainian strike | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Trump-Kim relations
Trump reveals he gave Kim an actual ‘Rocket Man’ gift
Former US president Donald Trump has claimed he played Elton John’s song “Rocket Man” to Kim Jong-un and presented the North Korean leader with a cassette of the hit during one of their meetings.
Dec 12, 2021 17:26
Trump says THIRD meeting with Kim Jong-un would ‘probably’ be helpful, but Pyongyang is less enthusiastic
Donald Trump, who claims to have established a personal rapport with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has floated the idea of holding another face-to-face meeting. Pyongyang, however, said talking to the US is not on its agenda.
Jul 8, 2020 11:23
Kim never sent ‘nice note’ to Trump: North Korea accuses US president of ‘feeding ungrounded story to media’
Donald Trump’s claim that he received a positive letter from Kim Jong Un is false, Pyongyang has said, urging the US president to refrain from using his relations with the North Korean leader for “selfish purposes.”
Apr 19, 2020 20:03
North Korea says an ‘impressed’ Trump wrote to Kim & offered coronavirus cooperation
Donald Trump has sent word to Pyongyang, offering cooperation in battling the deadly Covid-19 virus. In his letter, it is reported, the US leader was all smiles and praised North Korea for its handling of the pandemic.
Mar 21, 2020 19:01
Kim Jong-unbelievable: Trump’s national security adviser forgets how to say North Korean leader’s name
President Trump’s national security adviser is a trusted source of counsel when dealing with adversaries like North Korea. Surprisingly, knowing the name of the North Korean leader doesn’t seem to be a job requirement.
Dec 30, 2019 15:46
Maybe later: Trump rules out going to Pyongyang, hopes Kim would come to US instead
Their relationship is “very good” but meeting with Kim Jong-un in North Korea would be premature, President Donald Trump said following reports that he received a low-key invitation from Pyongyang.
Sep 17, 2019 07:28
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Moscow backs ceasefire despite Kiev’s breaches – Kremlin
Moscow remains committed to the moratorium it negotiated with the US, despite concerns regarding Kiev’s reliability, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said
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EU ‘rearmament’ plan meets resistance over debt concerns – Politico
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RT Features
‘They listened carefully’: Russian senator offers a glimpse into talks with US
‘We rightfully own this land’: Gaza’s residents on Trump’s proposed exodus
‘My husband was killed in front of my eyes’: Elderly survivors recall crimes of Ukrainian occupation in Kursk Region
From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
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