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Another Russian journalist killed in Ukrainian strike | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Another Russian journalist killed in Ukrainian strike | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia’s Tu-154 plane crash
Russia lays to rest victims of Tu-154 plane crash that devastated Alexandrov army choir (VIDEO)
Funeral ceremonies will be conducted on Monday for the majority of the 92 people who died in the Tu-154 plane crash near Sochi. The plane was carrying members of the famous Alexandrov Ensemble, journalists, and a prominent charity worker to Syria.
Jan 16, 2017 12:50
‘Tremendous loss’: NYPD mourns Alexandrov Ensemble deaths
Among those mourning the members of the Alexandrov Ensemble killed in the plane crash over the Black Sea is the New York Police Department, whose ceremonial unit performed with the legendary choir in a moving tribute to 9/11 victims.
Dec 28, 2016 21:32
2nd black box from crashed Tu-154 recovered from seabed – Russian MoD
The second flight recorder from crashed Tu-154 plane has been located and recovered from the sea, Russian Defense ministry said. The divers found the main flight data recorder earlier and it is now being decoded in Moscow.
Dec 28, 2016 08:57
‘The flaps, damn it!’ Last words of doomed Tu-154 flight crew leaked to media
Investigators are analyzing the contents of the crashed Tu-154’s black box, which reportedly includes a recording of the cockpit in the crew’s final moments. A source close to the investigation told Life News of the exact final words uttered there.
Dec 27, 2016 20:02
Main black box of crashed Tu-154 found at depth of 17 meters – Russian MoD
The Tu-154’s main flight data recorder was found at the depth of 17 meters (56 feet), Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The ministry added that five more fragments of the crashed plane have been located.
Dec 27, 2016 04:44
Alexandrov choir sings 'God bless America' in tribute posted by Russian Embassy in US (VIDEO)
Mourning the victims of Sunday’s Tu-154 plane crash in Russia, in which 92 people died, including 64 members of the renowned Alexandrov Ensemble, the Russian Embassy in the US posted on its official Twitter feed one particular song performed by the artists.
Dec 26, 2016 21:17
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