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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Mending Russia–US ties, EU undermining Trump, and Ukraine–Greenland parallels: Key points from Lavrov interview
US missiles strike Syria
France calls for arrest of Bashar Assad
The Syrian president has been accused of crimes against humanity over his alleged use of chemical weapons on civilians
Nov 15, 2023 19:23
US military defends strikes on ‘armed’ women & children
A US military spokesperson has defended a series of strikes on civilians in Syria, which killed 80 people including women and children, claiming they were in self-defense and that no disciplinary measures were necessary.
Nov 15, 2021 01:58
The richest and most war-mongering nation on Earth is still addicted to bombing poor, defenseless nations
A nation-state version of a psychopath, the US refuses to give up its addiction to bombing innocent people. In just over a month, it’s bombed Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan – and shows no signs of developing a conscience.
Aug 6, 2021 11:04
The progressive civil war over Syria and Assad exposes an astonishing lack of intellectual curiosity by some on the American Left
Truth and politics are often mutually exclusive concepts when dealing with the progressive American Left. This unfortunate fact is being driven home in spades in an ongoing spat between two lefty online personalities.
Jul 7, 2021 10:04
Rockets and mortars fired at US base in Syria, reportedly in reprisal for airstrikes against Shia militia
A base used by US troops in eastern Syria, near the Omar oil field in Deir-ez-Zor province, was struck by rocket and mortar fire on Monday. The attack appears to be in retaliation for US airstrikes over the weekend.
Jun 28, 2021 18:49
Blinken says US airstrikes on Iraq & Syria send ‘clear’ message to Iran-backed militias
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has defended US airstrikes on Iranian-backed militia targets either side of the Iraq/Syria border, claiming they were “necessary” and “appropriate” to send a “clear” message to these groups.
Jun 28, 2021 13:56
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