Owner of ‘Really British’ shop shocked at extreme 'political correctness' of critics

The owner of a shop that specializes in British-themed products has rejected accusations of prejudice, accusing his detractors of “reverse racism” and telling RT it is a case of political correctness taken to extremes.
Small businessman Chris Ostwald said his North London shop ‘Really British,’ which sells only products with a British angle, has been subject to unfair criticism from locals.
Among Ostwald’s wares are Prince Charles’ favorite socks, Union Jack cushions and chairs, as well as UK-produced ‘beer mustard.’
“This isn’t about politics,” Ostwald told RT Thursday. “It is about British-made products being showcased in Muswell Hill and really politic should have no place in products.”
“To actually boycott a shop because it uses the word British is political correctness gone to the extreme.”
Ostwald said that “now we are all too scared to say that we are British, or fly the flag, or be proud of Britain. I’ve been told that we should be ashamed of ourselves.”
He previously told the Evening Standard that he has received a barrage of complaints from what he called “liberal” locals since he opened on November 26. He has even been threatened with protests and boycotts.
“I thought I’d get a bit of a reaction, but nothing like what I have seen. Yesterday I had three strong complaints which included people telling us they would boycott us and placard us,” he said.
“People in Muswell Hill are a bit liberal and they are taking it far too seriously. There is nothing political about this.”
He said he had already been asked if his business was a UKIP or Brexit shop by some, but also noted, on the brighter side, “we’ve had Greek shoppers and Pakistanis in and they love it. They seem to be more proud of Britain than we are.”
“They are the ones that think it’s a great idea, the only complaints I’ve had are from British people. It’s almost the reverse of racism,” he argued.
One commenter on the shop’s Facebook page said: “Like many people, I live in London because of its international nature, and for me personally having a big sign on the Broadway saying ‘Really British’ makes me feel you’re implying that other local businesses in the area are therefore somehow ‘not really British.’”
Ostwald said that he would not change his shop to suit his critics.
“It’s like people want to hide away our identity. For me it would be like banning pizzas in Italy,” he said.