‘Can’t Be Arsed’ party launched to encourage young people to vote (VIDEO)

30 May, 2017 14:33 / Updated 8 years ago

The ‘Can’t be Arsed’ (CBA) party has released its own spoof party political broadcast to highlight the foolishness of not voting in the general election. The CBA prides itself on having more support than any other political party in the country.

Traveling around London on his empty campaign bus, British comedian Naz Osmanoglu says the “CBA is represented all over Britain and we are getting bigger and bigger,” in reference to the 15.8 million people who didn’t vote in the last general election.

The number of non-voters in 2015 far outstripped those who voted for any political party – with 11.3 million voting for the Tories, 9.3 million for Labour, 3.9 million for UKIP and 2.4 for the Liberal Democrats, he says.

“We are Britain’s biggest political party. The silent majority, the unheard third.

“We don’t vote with our heads, or with our hearts. We don’t change our minds or float, and we don’t go on and on about our opinions online, because we don’t vote.”

Osmanoglu says in Manchester in 2015, 56 percent of registered voters didn’t vote – and most of them were young people “with their sleeping in and endless podcasts.”

“We are very proud of them,” he adds.

“They’re shaping this country’s future without even lifting a finger. No, those are just used to upload pictures of their food.”

Osmanoglu implores the public to join his party, saying if you “ignore Britain’s problems, they might just go away.”