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8 Jun, 2017 20:37

UK General Election: Shock hung parliament leaves Tories scrabbling for deal to keep power

UK General Election: Shock hung parliament leaves Tories scrabbling for deal to keep power

Prime Minister Theresa May’s snap election gamble has backfired, squandering her slim Tory majority. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on May to step down, but the PM says she has 'no intention of resigning.' and has struck a deal with the DUP.

  • 09 June 2017

    20:22 GMT

    The last result of the general election has finally been confirmed and it's a win for Labour, although only by a mere 20 votes.

    The west London constituency of Kensington, which has been represented by a Conservative since it was created in 1997, will now have Labour's Emma Dent Coad as its MP, attracting 16,333 votes. Her main opponent, Conservative candidate Victoria Borwick, garnered 16,313.

    Counting in the constituency had been suspended after a number of recounts saw counters working through the night and too exhausted to continue.

    This means the Conservatives have a total of 318 seats and Labour 263.

  • 18:35 GMT

    US President Donald Trump had only a one word response when asked what he thought of the election results Friday, saying they were "surprising." He did not expand further.

  • 16:44 GMT

    As Theresa May begins to form her new government, the Prime Minister’s Office has confirmed that a number of key ministers in her cabinet will not be changing. The Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond as well as Foreign Affairs Secretary Boris Johnson will be staying put.

    Amber Rudd will remain in her position in Internal Affairs, while David Davis will continue with his Brexit brief and David Davis in Defence.

    "No further appointments will be made this evening," May's office said, according to Reuters.

  • 15:59 GMT

    A senior Downing Street source suggested the cabinet reshuffling will unlikely involve the “top team”, Sky reporter Robert Nisbet said.

  • 15:55 GMT

    Theresa May has said she is sorry for fellow Tory candidates who lost their seats in the general election that saw the Tories fall short of winning a majority in the Commons.

    She has also refused to rule out the reshuffling may affect her "top team" of advisers, according to Sky News.

  • 15:32 GMT

    Prime Minister not to reshuffle her cabinet till tomorrow, according to BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg.

  • 15:18 GMT

    Sinn Fein’s Garry Adams said the election result was very favourable to republicanism as it resulted in the party gaining seven seats.

    "There's an understandable focus on all the short term things that may be happening at the moment," he said, according to Sky News.

    "We all need sleep, including a lot of you folks as well (referring to journalists).

    "But there's a need for calm reflection of how we chart our way forward."

  • 15:08 GMT

    Home Secretary Amber Rudd is to retain her post, according to BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg.

  • 14:37 GMT

    Prime Minister Theresa May might fall short of forming a minority government if senior Tory MPs say they don't have confidence in her leadership, according to Sky Europe correspondent Mark Stone.

    Sky correspondent Robert Nisbet has said May is viewed by some as “damaged goods”, undermining her popularity.

  • 13:54 GMT

    Democratic Unionist Party (DUC) leader Arlene Foster gave a speech following the announcement of the party allying with the Conservatives to form a new government.

    According to Sky News, she said: "We want the best for all of the UK and these are challenging times."

    Foster added her party would discuss with Theresa May’s Tories how to bring “stability” to the UK in a “time of great challenge”.
