‘Queen of hate’ Katie Hopkins’ home could be turned into migrant shelter

A fundraising page has been set up for members of the public to buy right-wing writer Katie Hopkins’ home – so it can be turned into a refugee shelter.
Daily Mail columnist Hopkins has spouted hate about migrants through Twitter since rising to fame.
However, after recently losing an expensive libel case, the former Apprentice contestant has to sell her home – and quick-thinking Brits are hoping to buy it.
A GoFundMe page has been started with donors finding the thought of Hopkins’ house being used for refugees nothing short of hilarious. The page is hoping to raise the £950,000 (US$1.3 million) needed to buy her five-bedroom semi-detached home in St. Leonards, Exeter.
The man who began the page, Scott Walker, said it is time to teach Hopkins a lesson.
“We all know Hopkins’s disgusting views on immigrants and refugees, so the plan my good people, is to buy Katie Hopkins’ family home and use it to either house refugees or asylum seekers,” he said.
“This would be a great victory for the people of this country, because as we all know, this vile bigot has had far too much air time and drastically needs taking down a peg or two.”
The petition has raised almost £5,000 of the target and received huge support. Others called for more drastic measures. One man said: “You're doing it wrong. Wait until she's bought a new house and then buy out her new neighbors. Their house will be worth less because no one wants the hate monger as a neighbor. So you save the neighbors and instead of giving her money, you get a house at a discount and really piss KH off!”
Others were not sold on the idea – especially since the particulars were not listed. It is likely a housing committee of the local council would have the final say on permission to turn a family residence into a refugee hostel or home.
One man wrote: “So what's the plan once you've bought the house (and given Hopkins the best part of £1m)? Do you just hand it over to a family in need or will it become an asset of a charity striving to help resettle refugees? It's a fun idea, but before people hand over all of that money we'll need plenty more details about how this is going to work once KH has vanished...with all of her money.”
Others said it was just a way to fund Hopkins.
“She won't be living there, why does it matter to her who buys the house. Especially paying her asking price! This seems a little perculier (sic),” one person wrote.
Walker said if the money is not raised it will be refunded – or go back to a charity which supports refugees – in Katie’s honor.
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