Order! Speaker Bercow vows to fight BoJo ‘with every breath’ to keep Parliament running

If Boris Johnson wants to suspend Parliament to push through a no-deal Brexit, Speaker John Bercow says he will fight him every step of the way.
British lawmakers have a right to sit and debate whatever Johnson’s plan is to take the nation out of the EU, the speaker said at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and he will do his utmost to keep Parliament in the loop.
In case of any attempt "to circumvent, to bypass or – God forbid – to close down Parliament, that is anathema to me,” he said.
I will fight with every breath in my body to stop that happening. We cannot have a situation in which Parliament is shut down. We are a democratic society and Parliament will be heard.
The British Parliament nipped in the bud a string of Brexit proposals from Johnson’s predecessor Theresa May on how the divorce with the EU should happened.
Also on rt.com 54% of Britons back Johnson bypassing Parliament to deliver Brexit – pollCaught between the rock of the legislature and the hard place of Brussels, her cabinet ultimately collapsed, with Johnson stepping in last month.
Johnson has pledged to see Britain leave the EU before the October 31 deadline, whether with a deal with Brussels or without one. Asking the Queen to order a suspension of Parliament would allow him to enact his policy regardless of what MPs think about it.
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