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20 Jul, 2020 18:47

HUGE fire erupts on PACKED beach in UK, daytrippers gather round to watch (VIDEOS)

HUGE fire erupts on PACKED beach in UK, daytrippers gather round to watch (VIDEOS)

A large blaze erupted at a packed beach in Bournemouth, England, after a beach hut caught fire. The flames promptly spilled over onto scrub growing up a nearby hill, giving onlookers quite a show.

The fire broke out at the not quite socially distanced beach on Monday afternoon. Quickly becoming a large blaze, it raged mere meters from the beachgoers, who nonetheless continued to sunbathe as they watched the situation unfold before them, footage from the scene shows.

The fire had started in one of the beach huts, with some eyewitnesses claiming there had been an 'explosion' inside. No official information on the cause of the blaze has yet emerged.

The blaze quickly spread onto a nearby hill, torching bushes and other vegetation. There are no reports of injuries, but several beach huts have been reduced to ashes.

The fire produced a large column of black smoke, which could be seen from all over the coastal town. The authorities urged the public to stay away from the area, and to keep their doors and windows shut.

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