Vocal protest: Van Morrison rebels against ‘taking our freedom’ in new anti-lockdown songs

18 Sep, 2020 08:12 / Updated 4 years ago

Sir Van Morrison, the latest high-profile UK musician to take a stand against Covid-19 restrictions, is set to put out three songs, unloading on those “taking our freedom” and questioning the gravity of the pandemic.

Award-winning musician Van Morrison will release the anti-lockdown songs in the coming weeks, one titled ‘Born To Be Free’ is set to hit the airwaves next week. The lyrics, which invoke new buzzwords of the Covid-19 era like “the new normal,” proclaim: “Don’t need the government cramping my style/ Give them an inch, they take a mile.”

Another song, ‘No More Lockdown’, is even more strident. In there, Morrison unleashes his wrath on “fascist bullies disturbing our peace.” “No more taking of our freedom / And our God given rights,” the lyrics of the yet-to-be-released song reads, as cited by the BBC.

The third song openly questions the mortality and danger of the coronavirus, recalling a government announcement that informed that Covid-19 is no longer a high consequence infectious disease in the UK.

Morrison recently made headlines in the UK, when he urged the music industry to rise up against “pseudoscientific” social distancing rules. He called for full capacity concerts, as socially-distanced gigs – in which people are seated at least 1 meter apart – were simply not economically viable.

Also on rt.com Fans not happy as Van Morrison calls for musicians to rise up against Covid-19 gig limits which he dubs ‘pseudoscience’

He is not alone to have publicly spoken out against the coronavirus restrictions. Ex-Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher, former Stone Roses frontman Ian Brown and the Irish folk rock singer Jim Corr have recently voiced outrage over mandatory mask wearing and other virus-containing measures.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health for Northern Ireland Robin Swann described Morrison’s anti-lockdown release as “dangerous.” The official advised him to channel his artistic talent into saving lives instead.

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