‘Inspired by Terminator’: Scientists create self-assembling bionic particles

The world took one significant step closer to inventing a real-life cybernetic organism as US scientists, inspired by the Terminator movie, combined organic matter with semiconductors in a process that replicates plants’ transformation of light into fuel.
The breakthrough is quite significant, scientists at universities
in Michigan and Pittsburgh believe. Their blend of a chemical
used in solar panels and a plant protein that acts during
photosynthesis “recreate the process that allows plants to turn
sunlight into fuel,” the Michigan press-release cites the team as saying.
“Human endeavors to transform the energy of sunlight into
biofuels using either artificial materials or whole organisms
have low efficiency," Nicholas Kotov, Florence B. Cejka
Professor of Engineering at the University of Michigan and leader
of the study explained.
But what he and his peers have accomplished with their bionic
approach is a true step forward, as it combines two of the most
important features of its components – the strength of inorganic
materials – which convert light into electronic energy – with
biological molecules, whose chemical attributes bring those
mechanical processes to life.
The components are, respectably, cadmium telluride and cytochrome
C. The semiconductor drinks in the sunlight and turns it into an
electron, while the cytochrome C transports that electron in a
process of photosynthesis.
The nanoparticles and molecules function together by exchanging
electrons. And since the closer the two are, the better, the
research team decided to combine the two into a single organism
with the ability to act on its own and create particles that turn
themselves into super-particles with own functions.
"We merged biological and inorganic in a way that leverages the
attributes of both to get something better than either
alone," said U-M's Sharon Glotzer, the Stuart W. Churchill
Professor of Chemical Engineering, who led the simulations.
During an experiment, the scientists turned the pollutant nitrate
into nitrite and oxygen, proving that bionic particles could
harness sunlight to drive chemical reactions.
They believe that the particle, which took a beating from
handling the energy, may be able to renew itself – like the
plants do.
For now, the scientists are looking to achieve the conversion of
carbon dioxide and water into natural gas, which would result in
a larger part of the modern energy infrastructure working with no
net carbon emissions.
However, their discovery has a potential of truly sci-fi
proportions and may eventually bring some of humanity’s dream and
nightmares to life.
"These design principles can be used to guide future designs
for other bionic systems, starting from the primary building
blocks of biological organisms and inorganic machines,"
Kotov said. "It is very possible that Terminator of the
future would need to be constructed starting from such building