Anti-KKK tuba player booms out 'Ride of the Valkyries' to troll Confederate marchers (VIDEO)

A sousaphonist playing a Family Guy tune and mixing it with Richard Wagner music came out to troll KKK members supporting the Confederate flag in South Carolina, adding some awkwardness to their walk.
"I didn't really know how to show my opposition [to KKK rally], so that was my way of doing it," Matt Buck, who studied tuba performance at the University of South Carolina, told Charleston City Paper.
READ MORE: KKK face off against Black Panthers at Confederate flag protest in S. Carolina
On Saturday, the members the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) attended a rally against the removal of the Confederate flag near South Carolina’s Statehouse. They were met with members of a counter protest staged by the New Black Panther Party. Scuffles broke out between pro- and against- Confederate flag activists which ended with the arrest of at least five people.
The removal of the Confederate flag in South Carolina has reignited a debate in the US on the legacy of the ‘Stars and Bars’, with some calling it a symbol of hate while others claim it is part of their heritage.
According to Buck, the goal of his playing was to “embarrass” KKK supporters.
"A few people had a few things to say, but nobody really confronted me or anything," Buck says. "My goal was to embarrass them, and I think I did a little bit."
Buck chose several tunes to accompany KKK march. One of them was a tune from the animated series ‘Family Guy’ , another one was the notoriously anti-Semitic composer Richard Wagner’s ‘Ride of the Valkyries’.