Say what? Obama confident he would win third term

President Barack Obama’s climbing approval ratings may have gone to his head. During a speech in Ethiopia, he said he could win a third term in the White House, if only the Constitution would let him. But would Obama really win if he were to run again?
Only one president has ever served more than two terms ‒ Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And, with only a 50-percent approval rating, Obama is no FDR.
All I can hear is Carly Simon singing "Your So Vain" when watching Obama's 3rd term comments via @ijreview
— Twittiot (@youmakamecrazy) July 29, 2015
But that didn’t stop the president from talking about how “there’s a lot that I'd like to do to keep America moving” with that magical third term, a possibility that has been prohibited since the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1951.
@POTUS Says He Could Win A 3rd Term If The Constitution Allowed It - Maybe. To me, the 22d Amendment is a mistake
— Stephen De Freese (@de_freese) July 29, 2015
"I actually think I'm a pretty good president," Obama said. "I think if I ran I could win. But I can't!”
“The law is the law, and no one person is above the law, not even the president," he added.
The remark was a not-so-subtle jab at African leaders who have a tendency to remain in office after term limits kick in. Like the president of Burundi, who was in the audience.
When Obama boasted in Africa that he would win a 3rd term as president, was he joking or does he truly feel that Americans are that #stupid
— Rosemary Williams (@Roseanti1971) July 29, 2015
Obama, like FDR before him, espoused the spread of democracy.
“No country is perfect, but we have to be honest, and strive to expand freedoms, to broaden democracy,” the president said in Ethiopia. “The bottom line is that when citizens cannot exercise their rights, the world has a responsibility to speak out. And America will, even if it’s sometimes uncomfortable... even when it’s sometimes directed toward our friends.”
Obama says he could win if he ran a 3rd term...because he still has the best hacking software for voting machines!
— Robert Rees (@TheRobertRees) July 29, 2015
Yet, despite winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, Obama’s presidency hasn’t exactly been focused on the peaceful spread of democracy.
@2ANow In Obama's delusional world, "he'd win a 3rd term". Unless he would sabotage the election & declares himself a dictator?
— Edna Rivera (@EdnaEsrmd) July 29, 2015
With military airstrikes across the Middle East, the sometimes-unsuccessful attempts to overthrow regimes in Libya and Syria and unmanned aircraft targeting Al-Qaeda and Islamic State militants without approval from the governments where the jihadists are located, Obama has become known as the “drone president.”
If Obama ILLEGALLY won a 3rd term we would need to exchange Old Glory for a flag w/the hammer & sickle. America would exist no more.
— NoTolerance (@RevkahJC) July 29, 2015
When Obama campaigned for president in 2008, he promised to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. But the facility in Cuba still holds men detained during the War on Terror, and activists complain of human rights violations against the prisoners.
CNN: Obama: I could win 3rd term if I ran again No. You're wrong. You should be impeached for Iran deal.
— Julie Horton (@JulieHorton1) July 29, 2015
On domestic matters, the president failed in his vow to introduce meaningful immigration reform. Instead, Obama acted unilaterally, signing an executive action that would defer deportation for up to 5 million undocumented immigrants. However, 26 states moved to block the president’s order, and court cases are wending their way through the judicial system as judges side with the states.
CNN: Obama: I could win 3rd term if I ran again More proof of how he is the worst US President hands down!!
— rudy (@thisguyheis) July 29, 2015
Obama has also spent much of his second term battling with Congress and the Supreme Court over his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act ‒ better known as Obamacare.
Obama threw it out there if he ran 4 a 3rd term he could win.
Hey all he has 2 do is change his name back 2 Frank Marshall Davis Jr right?
— Wayne Dupree (@WayneDupreeShow) July 29, 2015
Although the health care reform bill has twice been upheld by the Supreme Court, Republicans continually vow to repeal it and have filed another lawsuit against Obamacare. In 2014, more than 7.5 million taxpayers paid a total of $1.5 billion in penalties for not purchasing health insurance.
Pres. Obama SHOULD run a 3rd term. Keep order in the US.
— JJames604 (@joseph604) July 29, 2015
Though his popularity has risen since 2013 ‒ the last time Obama had an approval rating of 50 percent ‒ other politicians have captured the nation’s attention, such as billionaire Donald Trump. The real estate tycoon is leading the polls among the packed field of Republican presidential hopefuls.
Obama: I could win 3rd term if I ran again. Against the law asshat. You can if you want a revolt.
— GA CowGirl (@GaCowGirl1) July 29, 2015
There haven’t been any surveys comparing Obama and Trump, but the GOP candidate was more than happy to predict the winner of that race for the White House.
Obama wouldn't be talking about a 3rd term if the Democrat leftist base was in love with Hillary. She is despicable & a horrible candidate.
— Robert Meyer (@bobmeyer667) July 29, 2015
"I think he would fail miserably if he ran again. I would beat him so easily," Trump told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. "Obama would get creamed if he ran again."
He added that he would love to run against the incumbent president.
Obama: "I'm a pretty good president, & if I ran for a 3rd term, I could win." Everyone knows Kenyans win every race.
— Comedywire (@comedywire) July 29, 2015
The commander-in-chief swears he isn’t interested a third term, telling the leaders of Africa he is looking forward to life outside the White House and politics.
I completely agree that Obama would win a 3rd term. That’s not because Democrats are so popular. But he inspires his base like no one else.
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) July 29, 2015
“I'll be honest with you ‒ I’m looking forward to life after being president,” Obama said, as the audience laughed. “I won't have such a big security detail all the time. It means I can go take a walk. I can spend time with my family. I can find other ways to serve. I can visit Africa more often.”
#obama whining ' I want a 3rd term'... he knows his time is running out & he is going to HATE stepping down as well as his witch wife.
— Barb (@BarbofPA) July 29, 2015
Of course, the presidency doesn’t exactly pay a lot, and Obama does want to be rich.
#Obama really, really wants a 3rd term. Buckle up for his tyrannical final 18 months as president, by @GoldwaterGal
— Radix News (@RadixNewsNet) July 29, 2015
“The point is, I don't understand why people want to stay so long,” he said. “Especially when they’ve got a lot of money.”
Obama: "I Could Win 3rd Term If I Ran Again. And Have Sex With Your Mom."
— Funny Or Die News (@FunnyOrDieNews) July 28, 2015