The so-called ‘War on Christmas’ has taken a somewhat supernatural turn: A spat over a zombie Nativity scene in Ohio has snowballed for the second year in a row.
Jasen Dixon put a manger scene surrounded by zombies up in his front yard despite being ordered to take it down last year and being denied a permit this year.
The request was denied as local authorities said the display violated the town’s zoning code by taking up more than 35 percent of his front yard. However, Dixon said his structure is in line with requirements and believes it is the theme that is causing the issue.
He now faces a $500-a-day fine.
Dixon anticipated the financial repercussions and has already raised $400 for “the undead” Nativity through a fundraising page.
He has been raising awareness through his Facebook page and documented the building of the manger.
The reaction has been mostly good, according to Dixon, who spoke to The Raw Story.
“My father hates it. The other neighbors, they drive by and give me a thumbs-up,” he said.
He did concede, however, that Christian protesters handed out pamphlets in front of the display on Sunday, reading, “God frowns upon this manger display,”
Dixon is no stranger to the gory and gruesome. He runs a haunted house called 13 Rooms of Doom and decided to carry the sentiment through to Christmas.
The biblical scene of a zombie baby Jesus and his companions has so far been receiving a mainly positive reaction online.