Hillary Clinton tries to woo Nevada’s Latino voters with teary-eyed girl ad

Hillary Clinton is trying to win the hearts and votes of the Latino community in Nevada using a touching ad in which a girl is crying over the possibility of her family being deported. Children in tears prove to be a frequent component of political ads.
In a newly released ad titled “Brave”, the democratic candidate is comforting a 10-year-old girl, who is scared about her parents’ potential deportation.
"I’m going to do everything I can so you don’t have to be scared and you don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen to your mom or your dad or somebody else in your family," Clinton tells the girl.
“Brave” was reportedly filmed during a roundtable with a group of young illegal immigrants at Clinton’s Las Vegas campaign headquarters.
The 60 second ad is the product of recent efforts by Hillary’s campaign to endear her to immigrant voters with the Saturday caucuses in Nevada just around the corner. Latinos represent about 13 percent of Nevada's 1.5 million registered voters with the majority leaning towards voting democrat.
This is the @HillaryClinton I’ve known for over 40 years—and she will do what she says she will do! #ImWIthHerhttps://t.co/omJxcjNRe8
— Bill Clinton (@billclinton) February 18, 2016
According to ABC News, the ad started running on local TV on Thursday.
In Nevada, Clinton appears to be locked in a close battle with her rival Bernie Sanders. According to a recent CNN/ORC Poll, 48 percent of likely caucus attendees said they would support Clinton and 47 percent – Sanders.
Clinton’s new ad shows once again how politicians and children can – and do – go hand in hand.
Half a year ago, German chancellor Angela Merkel turned heads when she made a Palestinian refugee cry shortly before comforting her.
Merkel was criticized for her treatment of the young refugee, who she told that not all immigrants might stay in Germany and "some will have to go home."
In 2014, Georgia Senate candidate, and a wealthy businessman, David Perdue (R), used crying babies in his political ad to mock his rivals.