California highway plane crash kills roller derby 'starlette' (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

A bizarre accident near San Diego, California, featuring a four-seat plane crash-landing into a parked car on Interstate 15, claimed the life of a local roller derby player. Even more bizarre, it’s not the aircraft’s first emergency landing on this highway.
The single engine Lancair IV reportedly had mechanical problems and touched down along a route that has seen several emergency landings.
Early on Saturday morning, the plane ended up skidding about 250 feet before crashing into the rear of the parked car.
"The plane went completely into the trunk and pushed the rear bumper almost into the rear passenger seat," said John Buchanan, spokesman for the North County Fire Protection District.
— aamiah = uh me uh (@pxnevpples) April 2, 2016
The car had pulled over so the driver could sync his phone with the car via Bluetooth when it was struck.
One of the passengers, 38-year-old Antoinette Frances Isbelle, or Rockalishous as she was known on her derby team The Starlettes, was fatally wounded after taking the brunt of the impact.
The San Diego Derby League's Facebook page described it as a "horrific accident" and many posted their sympathies.
Thank you to all our friends and family who have been so supportive today in the aftermath of the horrific accident that...
Posted by San Diego Roller Derby on Saturday, 2 April 2016
So sorry to hear about this
Posted by Nancy Phander on Sunday, 3 April 2016
Tampa Roller Derby stands with you San Diego.... We had a doubleheader game tonight and as one of the announcers we...
Posted by Kenny Sirens on Saturday, 2 April 2016
The three other derby players in the car were also injured in the crash, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.
READ MORE: Plane crashes into sea near Tel Aviv beach, 2 injured (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)
The Lancair’s pilot, Dennis Hogge, suffered major facial injuries while his passenger also underwent surgery for injuries suffered, with footage from the scene showing some of the initial rescue efforts.
The blue and white plane, which ceased production in 2012, was previously owned by former major league baseball catcher Matt Nokes, who also landed the plane along I-15 in 2000.
At that time, after encountering a fuel-flow problem resulting in the plane losing power, Nokes made an emergency landing, although did so smoothly with no injuries suffered.
"It was crazy," Nokes told AP. "Everything worked out so beautifully. It was almost a humorous thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't always turn out that way."
Nokes sold the plane in around 2005.
Although Hogge was the plane’s registered owner, who Nokes described as a “master craftsmen,” it’s reported the plane’s registration had expired at the time of the crash.