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5 Apr, 2016 10:32

Mexican builder raises his flag above Trump Tower Vancouver (PHOTO)

Mexican builder raises his flag above Trump Tower Vancouver (PHOTO)

A builder who raised the Mexican tricolor above a Donald Trump hotel in Canada has blasted Trump’s rail against immigration, reminding the Republican candidate that migrants are a “crucial part” of his business empire.

Diego Saul Reyna, a construction worker from the Mexican state of Chiapas, is a laborer on the $360 million luxury Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver.

On Saturday, he placed the Mexican flag on top of the 63-storey building as part of a statement regarding Trump’s tough stance on immigration.

READ MORE: Trump sparks NATO debate: ‘Obsolete’ or ‘tripwire that could lead to World War III’?

He later posted a photo and message stating that, contrary to Trump’s beliefs on the people of Mexico, his countrymen and women are working at their “best” whether at home or abroad.

“... the comments Trump has made about us, did not stop us from doing the high quality work we have always done, in our home country or when we migrate to the US/Canada,” he wrote on Facebook.

“Mr Trump, we did our best work, your tower here in Vancouver is premium quality, and we were a crucial part of it, not just Mexicans but immigrants as a whole”.

WHY DID I PUT A MEXICAN FLAG ON THE ROOF TOP OF TRUMP TOWER VANCOUVER, ??????Because from the concrete pouring,...

Posted by Diego Saul Reyna on Saturday, April 2, 2016

His impassioned post promoting the work ethic of migrants has been shared thousands of times on social media.

Captioning the photo which shows him overlooking the city of Vancouver, the builder also made reference to an infamous Donald Trump speech in which he appeared to tar Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists.

READ MORE: Trump effigies set ablaze in Mexico Easter ritual (VIDEO)

“While working on your tower Mexicans didn’t steal anything nor raped anyone, we just did the best work we could possibly do, for ourselves, our families and the future tenants in your building,” Reyna said.

At his campaign launch last year, Trump said the US had become a “dumping ground” for the world’s problems, including Mexican migrants.
