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2 Jul, 2016 13:22

FBI to grill Hillary Clinton over classified email scandal as early as Saturday – reports

FBI to grill Hillary Clinton over classified email scandal as early as Saturday – reports

It’s the moment millions of Americans have been waiting for. Hillary Clinton will be interrogated as part of an FBI investigation into her use of a private email server for classified information, possibly as early as Saturday.

The Daily Caller reports agents are wrapping up their probe and could give the Democratic presidential candidate the courtesy of grilling her in her Washington DC home as opposed to an interrogation room.

Clinton has yet to be questioned even though evidence emerged more than a year ago, in March 2015, that she had been using a personal, unsecured email server installed in her New York home.

Several of her former and current staff members have already been interviewed by the feds.

The former Secretary of State has released more than 30,000 emails from her time as America’s top diplomat, 2,028 of which contained confidential information, according to the New York Times

The use of an external, personal server violated the Federal Records Act which sets out “recordkeeping requirements,” but the investigation will determine whether Clinton should face criminal charges.

Her interrogation would come less than a week after a secretive meeting was held between her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch on board the latter's government plane in Phoenix, Arizona.

The country’s top cop claims her conversation with 'Grandpa Bill' was just a “social meeting” about their grandchildren and the former Arkansas governor’s travels.

Lynch, who oversees the FBI and its investigations, said on Friday she was all but recusing herself from the case and would only be briefed, but not included in the decision, of whether to indict Clinton.

READ MORE: 'I don't know': US AG Lynch claims ignorance on Clinton email probe timeline

Lynch would normally determine if an indictment would go ahead.

She has since acknowledged Bill Clinton's visit was ill-timed, admitting “I wouldn’t do it again.”

“I understand how people view it [the meeting] and because of that it has now cast a shadow over how this case may be perceived… [but] it is important to make it clear that the meeting with president Clinton does not have a bearing on how this matter is going to be reviewed, resolved and accepted by me,” she told CNN.

The email scandal itself has “cast a shadow” over Clinton’s bid for the White House, with a report carried out by the Department of State’s inspector general in May criticizing "systemic weaknesses" with the cybersecurity in her office.

READ MORE: Clinton’s email server ran without security software, new records reveal

“At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act,” the report stated.

READ MORE: Sanders supporters sue DNC & Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the system

In May, Clinton’s primary opponent, Bernie Sanders, said on CBS News that voters should take a “hard look” at the State Department’s audit of the matter, but has not commented on Lynch’s Sky Harbor summit or whether he thinks it has compromised her role in the investigation.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein told the Observer two weeks ago, “This is sort of typical Hillary Clinton; to do things that are not legal, to say that they are, and then try to cover them up. Hillary Clinton severely chastised other whistleblowers for using Internet channels that were not secure and yet she herself was doing that with private, high level state department information.”
