Divine voice behind Clinton: Morgan Freeman steals spotlight at DNC

The last night of the Democratic National Convention was meant to highlight the accomplishments of Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, but Morgan Freeman managed to steal the show without even being in the room.
Morgan Freeman has done everything from narrating a movie about penguins to playing a paralyzed detective and God himself, but on Thursday night he added another notch to his belt: narrating the introduction video of the first female presidential candidate, which was directed by Scandal showrunner Shonda Rhimes.
The beloved actor’s absence was noted by some. According to his official Facebook page, he has returned to directing the TV show – wait for it – Madame Secretary.
Hearing Freeman’s deep voice in the convention set off an avalanche of emotions and social media responses. A significant portion of social media was simply delighted to hear his smooth, rich voice.
need Morgan Freeman to narrate my life too
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) July 29, 2016
We should just make Morgan Freeman’s voice president
— Parappa Tha Trappa (@GuyNamedTawanda) July 29, 2016
If Morgan Freeman is narrating a video about you, you're either about to achieve something huge or mate with a penguin.
— Aaron Fullerton (@AaronFullerton) July 29, 2016
The real MVP tonight was Morgan Freeman's velvety voice during Hillary Clinton's introductory video #DemsInPhilly
— Faith M. Karimi (@faithcnn) July 29, 2016
Some were even happier, believing that this signifies Freeman’s endorsement of Clinton.
The Morgan Freeman touch never fails. It's the Michael Jordan of narration.
— Tanael Joachim (@tanaeljoachim) July 29, 2016
The voice of God (Morgan Freeman) has spoken #DNC@shondarhimes Shonda you did that!
— Daria (@DariaWilliams) July 29, 2016
Morgan Freeman just won Hillary this election. Everybody go home. #DemsInPhilly
— Chris Mirigliani (@ChrisMirig) July 29, 2016
Oh my god Morgan Freeman is with her
— Alice Roth (@aliceroth) July 29, 2016
For others, his mere involvement in the campaign was an insult and ruined the actor forever.
OMG Morgan Freeman's voice is ruined for me forever. #DemConvention
— Mike (@NeverUMike) July 29, 2016
Not Morgan Freeman, too. :( #Ruined
— the eye (@ShannonPoe) July 29, 2016
The voice of Morgan Freeman, forever ruined.
— Kvothe Reshi (@Kvothe_Reshi) July 29, 2016
All respect for Morgan Freeman out the window! Cannot believe this!! #lockherup#DemsInPhilly#killary
— Rebecca Charlene (@RebeccaCharlen3) July 29, 2016
Not to mention – many were fascinated by hearing God from Evan Almighty at the DNC.
Not only did Morgan Freeman narrate Hillary's intro video, he also lent her his wardrobe from Evan Almighty. pic.twitter.com/iJwIptZvRs
— Gonzalo Cordova (@GonzaloRCordova) July 29, 2016
Morgan Freeman is narrating this video? God is everywhere. Even at the DNC
— Bae R Smith (@raesanni) July 29, 2016
Morgan Freeman, also known as the voice of God, introduces Hillary. Well played. #DemsInPhilly
— deray mckesson (@deray) July 29, 2016
The voice of God (Morgan Freeman) has spoken #DNC@shondarhimes Shonda you did that!
— Daria (@DariaWilliams) July 29, 2016