‘Suspicious package’ triggers security sweep on plane at Chicago O'Hare Airport

Chicago authorities responded to a report that a suspicious package had been found on a plane at O’Hare International Airport. They performed a security check of the aircraft. However, the “package” in question turned out to be trash, firefighters said.
Firefighters were called to O’Hare at about 7:10pm, according to the Chicago Fire Department, following a report of a suspicious package aboard a plane.
Passengers evacuated from a plane at O'Hare after reports of a suspicious substance pic.twitter.com/afnARV5N3p
— Kevin Henry (@KevHenryTraffic) August 8, 2016
According to fire department spokesman Jeff Lyle, as of 7:55pm crews had still been at the scene examining the package, The Chicago Tribune reported.
O'Hare Airport-CFD responded at 7:10 pm to report of suspicious package, under the seat, on a plane. Companies investigating. Will update.
— Chicago Fire Media (@CFDMedia) August 8, 2016
Approximately 140 passengers were evacuated from the aircraft at 7:31pm.
— NJN (@AA747SP) August 8, 2016
The investigation was “completed” after thorough inspection showed that the “suspicious package turned out to be trash.”
O'Hare investigation completed. Approx. 140 passengers deplaned at 7:31 pm. Suspicious package turned out to be trash. Companies returning
— Chicago Fire Media (@CFDMedia) August 8, 2016