Reddit goes down, users face existential crisis

The popular social media website Reddit crashed during a routine software upgrade. While it was expected to be up and running shortly, its absence created a massive void in its users’ lives, forcing them to either stay busy or complain about it on Twitter.
They complained about it on Twitter.
Reddit is down... now what do I do at work?
— L A U R A (@laurcej) August 11, 2016
Reddit is down, people. REDDIT IS DOWN!!!
— Garth Volbeck (@rcdubbs) August 11, 2016
Reddit is down...?!
— Jeff (@Arch3rrr) August 11, 2016
Reddit is down so expect a population boom in about 9 months via @thenextweb
— RakeshReddy Nagilla (@rock8y) August 11, 2016
Reddit is down.. Idk what to do..
— Lev (@mu_lev) August 11, 2016
Usually I read a post or two on @reddit before falling asleep, but not today. 😥
— Karl Lindmark (@karllindmark) August 11, 2016
Reddit being down makes the internet feel empty -.-
— Cong Shu (@StrifeCro) August 11, 2016
reddit has been down for too long, I'm melting
— Meteos (@c9_meteos) August 11, 2016
Approximately three hours later, Reddit was up and running with only a few errors. Users did not rejoice, but they did stop complaining.