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24 Oct, 2016 22:10

‘All disguised as a duck’: Video shows illegal collaboration between Clinton, DNC over mascot

‘All disguised as a duck’: Video shows illegal collaboration between Clinton, DNC over mascot

Project Veritas Action has released its third undercover video purporting to show an “illegal dark money conspiracy” between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the national party and two outside groups… about Donald Duck.

The third ‘Rigging the Election’ video, published on Monday, looks into the “back room dealings of Democratic politics,” focused on “prohibited communications” between the campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democracy Partners and Americans United for Change (AUFC) “all disguised as a duck.”

In May, the DNC launched a campaign in which Donald Duck mascots would follow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump around, calling on him to release his tax returns. In August, that crusade moved from the party’s purview to that of AUFC. Project Veritas Action delved into why the DNC chose the Disney character and why they transferred the campaign to an outside group.

The idea reportedly came from a man identified only as “Skalar,” whom Democracy Partners co-founder Robert Creamer said created a similar campaign called “Chicken George” for then-Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas during the 1992 presidential election. (It should be noted that a 1992 Newsday article reported that Derrick Parker and Corbett O’Meara originally hatched Chicken George, a poultry mascot that would attend President George HW Bush’s campaign rallies.)

Skalar called Creamer and his Democracy Partners co-founder Mike Lux to pitch the idea, Creamer told an undercover journalist.

“I ran it up the flagpole in New York and put it down and it came up, and they said, ‘We’d rather do Uncle Sam, I want you to release your tax returns’,” Creamer said. As his group prepared to find the Uncle Sam outfits, he received a phone call from the Clinton campaign’s Christina Reynolds who told him to go with Donald Duck instead, because “Skalar is an old Clinton man. He had gone to some buddy of his who is one of her body people and she had explained the idea to Hillary. And Hillary just loved it,” he explained.

In August, AUFC took over the Donald Duck campaign because of “some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue,” Creamer said. “So we switched ownership of the duck to Americans United for Change and now our signs say:’ Trump ducks releasing his tax returns’. And we haven’t had any more trouble.”

Scott Foval, then the national field director for AUFC, described the switch as “a hopscotch.”

“The whole duck thing? That came about, the reason we moved it from DNC to AUFC was to just do a hopscotch, but the actual idea was hatched way back in May,” he told an undercover operative.

Foval was fired from his position ‒ and Creamer “stepped down” from the campaign ‒ after Project Veritas Action’s first two videos were published. Those videos showed both the Clinton campaign and the DNC involved in ripping up voter registrations as well as unethical campaigning.

Last week, Interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile said the party is conducting an internal investigation, but called Project Veritas head James O’Keefe “the discredited source of these videos” who is “a convicted criminal with a history of doctoring video to advance his ideological agenda.”

The coordination on both the duck campaign and the change in who controlled it “smacks of illegal coordinated campaign expenditures,” Project Veritas Action said in the video.

“The ducks on the ground are likely ‘public communications’ for purposes of the law. It’s political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United for Change funds but controlled by Clinton/her campaign,” federal campaign law experts told the group.

On top of the evidence that the group laid out, the video also noted that everyone was planning for and seemingly hoping for violence involving the ducks.

“I think this duck is going to get roughed up somewhere,” Brad Woodhouse, president of AUFC, said during a meeting. Indeed, it was his own employee who was ducking for cover while in costume.

“I almost got punched on Monday morning, I mean. I was in a duck costume,” Foval said.

After laying out its evidence in the nearly 15-minute video, Project Veritas Action concluded that Clinton weighs the same as a duck – so she must be a witch.

“The connection between Creamer, President Obama and Hillary Clinton is undeniable, as are the campaign law violations. If it looks like a duck, if it talks like a duck and it walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck,” the host said at the end of the video.
