Dakota Access pipeline protesters occupy Hillary Clinton campaign HQ

The campaign headquarters of Hillary Clinton in Brooklyn, New York, was taken over Thursday by protesters against the Dakota Access Pipeline being constructed in North Dakota and three other states. They’re demanding the candidate declare where she stands.
READ MORE: Arrests as North Dakota cops remove pipeline protesters from private land (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Surrounding a drum circle and teepee in the middle of Clinton’s presidential campaign headquarters in Brooklyn was a coalition of Bernie Sanders supporters, environmentalists and members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, all demonstrating against the planned 1,172-mile, $3.78 billion pipeline known as the Dakota Access.
RT brooklyncybele: Protestors in lobby of HillaryClinton HQ Now #NoDAPLpic.twitter.com/wHt9hz2ece
— 😀Bring Back Bernie (@HillaryLostMe) October 27, 2016
10 youth from Standing Rock tell Hillary that if we're gonna #StandWithHer then she's gonna need to #StandWithStandingRock and say #NODAPL!! pic.twitter.com/t04EWtgDRw
— Rae Breaux (@hoorae) October 27, 2016
The activists who call themselves “protectors, not protesters” are demanding Clinton openly take a position on the Dakota Access pipeline, or DAPL.
#ImWithStandingRock - currently inside Hillary Clinton's headquarters in Brooklyn. #StandingwithStandingRockpic.twitter.com/9Kgp4XHtMl
— iram f. ali (@iramfali) October 27, 2016
breaking. Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters occupied in solidarity with #NoDAPLpic.twitter.com/uHnwN2wXWf
— Harsha Walia (@HarshaWalia) October 27, 2016
Danny from Standing Rock tells #HillaryClinton that if she wants us to #StandWithHer then shes gonna need to #StandWithStandingRock! #nodaplpic.twitter.com/9gVPXLkMYN
— Rae Breaux (@hoorae) October 27, 2016
As police in ND seem poised to raid #NoDAPL camp, Standing Rock youth flood #Clinton campaign HQ to demand she oppose Dakota Access pipeline pic.twitter.com/UyQ4JmKdxK
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) October 27, 2016
The main protests are ongoing in North Dakota, where police ordered evacuations of activists demonstrating on private land reserved for the crude oil project. Other demonstrations have been held in the other states where the pipeline is scheduled to cross into, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois.
#sanders as usual fighting for what is right!!! And to no surprise #Hillary silent as usual. #StandingRock#NoDAPL#BringBernieBackpic.twitter.com/FeVKCEpTe3
— Violet Gajardo (@violet29) October 27, 2016
Other Clinton campaign offices were also targeted in solidarity on Thursday, including the one in Seattle, Washington.
Solidarity #NoDAPL action about to go down in at Seattle @HillaryClinton HQ! We need to end her silence on DAPL We need to know #IsSheWithUspic.twitter.com/jQybCWJCeK
— Matt Remle (@wakiyan7) October 27, 2016