Republicans offically retain control over House

The House will remain under Republican control after winning 231 districts, following several major blows to the Democrat’s attempts to take back the House.
Congratulations to the @HouseGOP for maintaining their majority!
— GOP (@GOP) November 9, 2016
Many Republican representatives ran unopposed. However, the ones who faced Democratic rivals managed to squash them by a landslide in traditionally Republican areas, such as Oklahoma’s Frank D. Lucas (R) who defeated his opponent by 56 percent.
While the Republicans may control the House, Democrats did make gains in new areas. Ruben Kihuen is leading against his Republican opponent, Cresent Hardy, who is the incumbent representative of Nevada’s District 4.
Thank you to all Republicans who turned out this year to help us hold the House. A Better Way Forward starts now.
— Paul Ryan (@PRyan) November 9, 2016
This will be good news for Senator Paul Ryan (R-Wisc) who will be keeping his position as Speaker of the House.
Republicans officially won the House with 231 districts.
Trump with a strong lead. Also were only 2 behind for having more Republicans in the Senate. The House almost 30 more Republican.
— Chris Authement (@AuthChris) November 9, 2016
Kentucky State House will be going Republican for first time in a Century...Democrats get destroyed across the state. Major change coming
— Matt Jones (@KySportsRadio) November 9, 2016
Spineless republican reps that sucked up to Trump played the game right & got reelected wow lmaoo
Republican control in the house of reps...
— solanjay 💫 (@Iovemxni) November 9, 2016
nice, house of reps is still under repub control. this means it's 4 more years of nothing getting done.
— Insatiable Shadows (@MoonlightUmbry) November 9, 2016