Voting system prone to mistakes & malfeasance – Jill Stein on 2016 recount (EXCLUSIVE)

23 Nov, 2016 22:53 / Updated 8 years ago
© Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

The 2016 election results for three states are in doubt, and an effort led by Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein is raising millions of dollars for a vote recount.

The Green Party has a fundraising goal of more than $2 million to challenge the vote counts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states where President-elect Donald Trump has been declared the winner or, in the case of Michigan, where he is leading an ongoing count.

"We're calling for a paper count to validate the machine count," Stein clarified to RT.

"The Green Party has actually taken a lead role in safeguarding our election system for many years," Stein added. 

"It also puts the Green Party on the map as the leadership that the American people are looking for," she said. "In this extremely toxic and sick election, we're taking steps to actually redress some of the really grave concerns about this election."

The three states carry a total of 46 electoral votes, and Trump would have to lose all three states for the presidential election result to change, something no one is predicting.

The campaign manager for Stein’s presidential run, David Cobb, took to Facebook to promote the recount effort via video message. More than $2 million is needed to meet filing fees, not including legal and processing fees, to facilitate recounts in the three states. Wisconsin alone requires $1 million to file for a recount, and its deadline is Friday, November 25. Pennsylvania’s deadline is Monday, and Michigan’s deadline is next Wednesday.

The three states carry a total of 46 electoral votes, and Trump would have to lose all three states for the presidential election result to change, something no one is predicting.