Pools of blood pictured on street outside Louisiana funeral home (PHOTO)

In a scene reminiscent of a horror film, pools of blood have been photographed on the road outside a funeral home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
City investigating blood and formaldehyde leaking at Greenoaks Funeral property on Florida Blvd. earlier today, story tonight at 10pm @WBRZpic.twitter.com/penN7DGjHJ
— Danielle WBRZ 📺 (@DJacksonTV) September 14, 2017
The photos were taken by a viewer of local TV station WBRZ on Thursday afternoon. The station reports that the blood was mixed with formaldehyde, a chemical used in the embalming process. It was leaking from a valve and flowing down to the road.
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The grisly mixture came from a leaking storage tank at Greenoaks Funeral Home. The funeral home declined to comment when contacted by RT.com.
An environmental official told WBRZ that the incident occurred on private property and the blood did not enter the city sewer system.
"We sent out both our sewer inspector and our environmental specialists to take a look. We determined that it wasn't a sewer issue and that it was an issue on private property,” Adam Smith with the City of Baton Rouge Department of Environmental Services said.
It’s unclear whether the funeral home’s management will face a citation over the leak.
The blockage was cleared after around 20 minutes and the blood has since been washed off the road.