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25 Sep, 2017 22:50

John McCain: Cancer prognosis ‘very, very serious’ (VIDEO)

John McCain: Cancer prognosis ‘very, very serious’ (VIDEO)

Senator John McCain says his brain cancer is “very, very serious,” and that doctors have forecast his chance of recovery as between 3 percent and 14 percent.

The Arizona Republican made the revelation during an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday night, in which he recalled disobeying his doctor's’ orders just 11 days after his brain surgery, to vote no on the Senate's healthcare bill.

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After doctors found a blood clot over his left eye during a routine check-up in July, McCain said he asked them to “tell it to me straight.”

They said that it’s very serious, that the prognosis is very, very serious,” said McCain.

“Some say 3 percent, some say 14 percent. You know, it's - it's a very poor prognosis. So I just said, ‘I understand. Now we're going to do what we can, get the best doctors we can find and do the best we can.’ And at the same time celebrate with gratitude a life well lived,” he added.

On voting against his party’s health care bill, McCain said he got “very choked up” after receiving a standing ovation on the Senate floor.

"And then, of course, you know, all of them coming over and giving me a hug. It was deeply moving, I had never seen anything like that," he said.

READ MORE: McCain slams Trump over Afghanistan, unveils his strategy to win war

Despite his diagnosis, McCain has continued to champion his National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and work to kill the senate’s health care reform.

McCain has also blasted President Donald Trump over a lack of strategy in America’s 17-year war in Afghanistan, and, in August, filed his own plan which involves more troops, bombing and continuing US presence in the country for the Senate to vote on.
