GOP demand #ReleaseTheMemo on ‘shocking’ FISA abuses (after supporting surveillance law)

Republican lawmakers demand the public release of a classified memo detailing Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses under the Obama administration. The move comes as lawmakers reauthorized government surveillance powers.
The House Intelligence Committee passed the motion introduced by Rep. Peter King (R-New York) Thursday. The measure was voted on along party lines, with all Democrats voting against the motion to make the classified report available to all House members.
“I viewed the classified report from House Intel relating to the FBI, FISA abuses, the infamous Russian dossier, and so-called ‘Russian collusion.’ What I saw is absolutely shocking. This report needs to be released –– now. Americans deserve the truth. #ReleaseTheMemo,” Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina said Thursday night about the 4-page memo, reported New York Daily News.
Congressman Meadows was joined by other lawmakers who saw the memo, and who are pressing for its public release. The hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo has gone viral on social media.
#ReleaseTheMemo Why fear truth... unless you are guilty?
— A TRUE STORY (@aOverit) January 19, 2018
Intercept journalist Glen Greenwald weighed in to tell conservatives they were falling for a fraud.
Dear conservatives: you cannot fall for this fraud they're perpetrating on you. They want you to focus on a memo that *only they* (Trump & GOP leaders) have the power to let you see. The only reason you can't see it is because they're concealing it. You must realize this, right?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 19, 2018
Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released.
“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” said Gaetz, as quoted by Fox News.
I was told by a congressional source that “roughly 50 to 60 Congressional members viewed the House Intelligence Committee #FISAabuse report” and many are calling to #ReleaseTheDocuments
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) January 19, 2018
Weighing in was lone Democrat Representative Adam Schiff (California), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, called the report “a profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican staff attacking the FBI and its handling of the investigation."
"Rife with factual inaccuracies and referencing highly classified materials that most Republican Intelligence Committee members were forced to acknowledge they had never read, this is meant only to give Republican House members a distorted view of the FBI," Schiff said, according to The Hill."This may help carry White House water, but it is a deep disservice to our law enforcement professionals."
House Oversight Committee member, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told Fox News it should be released because it doesn’t reveal sources or methods and that it shows “how this whole collision thing was going on during the campaign."
Florida Republican Rep. Ron Desantis called the memo "deeply troubling" in interviews on Fox News.
Yesterday, I viewed a deeply troubling report compiled by House Intelligence that raises questions about Obama DOJ & the so-called collusion investigation. Joining @foxandfriends in a few minutes to discuss why this report needs to be released to the American people ASAP.
— Ron DeSantis (@RepDeSantis) January 19, 2018
The American people deserve the truth.
— Ron DeSantis (@RepDeSantis) January 19, 2018
The House vote came the same day the Senate voted 65-34 to reauthorize a FISA provision that allows US spy agencies to conduct surveillance on foreign targets abroad for six years. The bill, already passed by the House, is now heading to the White House where President Donald Trump has said he will sign it into law.
An irony not lost on whistleblower and former NSA intelligence analyst, Edward Snowden
“If this memo had been known prior to the vote, FISA reauth would have failed. These abuses must be made public, and @realDonaldTrump should send the bill back with a veto,” Snowden said in a tweet Friday.
There is one signal that will tell you if the Republican's #ReleaseTheMemo campaign is legitimate: whether or not @RealDonaldTrump signs the FISA 702 reauth into law in the next 10 days. If he doesn't veto 702 and send it back to Congress for reform, this is nothing but politics.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) January 19, 2018