Conservatives want to #BoycottNetflix after Obama adviser joins company

29 Mar, 2018 18:30 / Updated 7 years ago

Netflix’s appointment of Obama-era UN Ambassador Susan Rice to its board has sparked a boycott among users, who are cancelling their subscriptions.

Rice served as Obama’s national security adviser for four years and was accused of downplaying the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, Libya, when she framed it as a spontaneous incident that occurred as a result of protests against an anti-Muslim film, rather than a premeditated attack.

She was also the official who “unmasked” the identities of several aides to President-elect Donald Trump before he took office, though she denied doing so for political reasons.

NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch was quick to denounce the appointment, saying Netflix was “the perfect place” for someone who blamed a terror attack on a film. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton also chimed in, accusing the company of supporting “Obama corruption.”

Many pointed to reports that Obama is in talks with the company about a series as further proof of the company’s liberal leanings. While others highlighted the fact that George Soros is a shareholder in Netflix.

Netflix has over 117 million members, half of which are in the US. Originally a DVD rental company, Netflix has since branched out into producing original content. The tone and content of some of the shows has resulted in accusations of “liberal bias,” however, even before Netflix announced it would be hiring Rice.

RT contacted Netflix to seek comment about the reaction and to find out whether there has been a drop in subscriptions. “We don’t have a comment on this one,” a Netflix representative said.

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