Assange’s Senate testimony could ‘destroy conspiracy theory that Russia hacked DNC’ – journalist

If he accepts the Senate’s request to testify, Julian Assange may provide evidence that would upend allegations that Russia hacked the DNC, putting to rest two years of Russiagate hysteria, journalist Patrick Henningsen told RT.
The WikiLeaks founder should “absolutely” agree to speak with the US Senate Intelligence Committee – but his testimony may cause problems for devout followers of Russiagate’s main tenets, according to Henningsen, executive editor of 21st Century Wire. Assange could in fact provide information to the committee that would “destroy the sort of mainline conspiracy theory that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and stole the emails and handed them to WikiLeaks. The whole Russiagate case more or less hinges on that conspiracy theory.”
In a letter made public by WikiLeaks on Wednesday, the Senate Committee requested that Assange make himself available for a closed interview “at a mutually agreeable time and location.” Henningsen said that the Senate’s request to interview Assange could have a profound impact on the US midterm elections, noting that Assange could potentially be accused of “meddling” if his testimony disrupts mainstream Russiagate narratives.
The independent journalist said that, while he wouldn’t be surprised if Russia-related investigations are stretched out until the 2020 presidential elections, so far no evidence has emerged of nefarious string-pulling by the Kremlin – and with good reason.
“If there was any hard evidence, I guarantee you it would have been on the table before the election – because if they had evidence, it would have absolutely killed the Donald Trump campaign in its tracks. There is no evidence, we would have seen it by now.”
Noting that all 10 senators who called for Assange’s asylum to be revoked in violation of international law were Democrats, Henningsen said that the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was a “partisan witch-hunt.”
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