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1 Oct, 2018 17:49

#NotHer: Kellyanne Conway’s sex assault story doesn’t matter, because she’s on the wrong side

#NotHer: Kellyanne Conway’s sex assault story doesn’t matter, because she’s on the wrong side

With the Democratic party demanding that survivors of sexual assault be believed and their motives for coming forward unquestioned, one woman’s story isn’t deserving of the same respect: White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s.

Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s ongoing did he / didn’t he sexual assault controversy has thrown the judge’s confirmation process into jeopardy, and made the “believe survivors” mantra of the #MeToo movement a rallying cry of the left.

However, while Democrats fall over each other to issue the most emphatic support for Kavanaugh’s accuser(s) and blast Republicans questioning the convenient timing of the allegations, the same unconditional support isn’t extended to women on the opposite side of America’s vast political divide.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday that she supports Kavanaugh’s nomination, and has “had it” with the devolution of Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing into a “meeting of the Me Too movement,” despite having been sexually assaulted herself.

“I feel very empathetic for victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape,” Conway told Tapper. “I’m a victim of sexual assault.”

“I don’t expect Judge Kavanaugh or Jake Tapper or Jeff Flake or anybody to be held responsible for that,” she continued. “You have to be responsible for your own conduct.”

Unlike the claims of Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh’s accuser, Conway’s claims were ridiculed by the woke twitterati. Kellyanne Conway, Congressional candidate and internet feminist Brianna Wu argued, “doesn’t care about the greater struggle for women’s equality. She cares about herself.”

Days beforehand, Wu described feeling “raw, unmitigated fury,” at the idea that the “privileged” Senate Judiciary Committee would dare question Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh. Despite accusing Conway of self-interest, Wu was silent on the timing of Ford’s allegations, the gaps in her story, her lawyer’s history of Democratic activism, and the over half a million dollars she’s raised through crowdfunding campaigns since revealing her 36-year-old assault.

Conway’s politics ensured she got no quarter from the #resistance. Some commenters rubbished her claims based on the fact that she works for Donald Trump, a man they accused of being a “serial sexual predator,” with no evidence.

Conway responded to these critics while on CNN.

“People on Twitter and elsewhere are saying right now, ‘oh how can she work for Donald Trump?’ I work for President Trump because he’s so good to the women who work for him,” she said. “I don’t want to hear it from anybody.”

Still, the hate and disbelief flowed.

Conway and the Trump administration have hit out at Senate Democrats for demanding a more extensive investigation into Kavanaugh, with the intention of stalling his nomination until the party stands a fighting chance of retaking a majority in the Senate in November.

“Democrats...have been screaming and frothing for over a week, talking about ‘we need an FBI investigation’...is one single vote going to be changed?” Conway said on Sunday.

Conway brought up her sexual assault claim as America remains glued to Kavanaugh’s turbulent confirmation process. However, it is not a new claim. She first recounted her story when the now-infamous “Grab ‘em by the pussy” ‘Access Hollywood’ tape surfaced in 2016.

READ MORE: #KillKavanaugh tops list of Twitter hashtags & autofill suggestions

“When I was younger and prettier,” Conway told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews at the time, she was assaulted by unnamed “members of Congress” who would be “rubbing up against girls, sticking their tongues down women’s throats, uninvited.”

Some of these unnamed assailants, she said, “are on the list of people who won't support Donald Trump, because they ride around on a high horse.”

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