A winged creature of the night hilariously gatecrashed a rally for President Donald Trump with the bat stirring up chaos amongst the crowd. Police were even forced to swoop in to contain one of Count Dracula’s minions.
With ‘Make America Great Again’ supporters turning out to see the president speak in Johnson City, Tennessee, the beginning of the event was almost overshadowed by an uninvited flying guest. No it wasn’t Batman or Trump’s enemies from the ‘fake news media’ – but a common fruit bat intent in stealing the limelight from the US president.

With Halloween around the corner it was perhaps fitting that a bat – the winged disguise of horror character Dracula – should make an unscheduled appearance at a rally where Trump spoke about spooky subjects such as US healthcare and immigration.
Footage of the bat’s sudden appearance shows the creature swooped around Freedom Hall closely followed by a number of cops tasked with stopping it from interrupting the event.
At one point a cop can be seen to hilariously flail a leg at the bat hopelessly missing the target.
The frightening but likely harmless creature then flew towards a group of reporters who appeared to shriek with fear.
Journalist Marcus DiPaola later said the bat was captured and released without harm.
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