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24 Oct, 2018 18:23

IMAGES of the mail bomb sent to CNN, Twitter points to ISIS flag on it

IMAGES of the mail bomb sent to CNN, Twitter points to ISIS flag on it

CNN’s Jim Acosta has shared images of a crude pipe bomb mailed to the network’s New York studio. Twitter users have zoomed in the image and said they appear to show an ISIS flag.

The photos show a rudimentary pipe bomb, delivered in a brown manila envelope to the Time Warner Center in New York City, home to CNN’s studios. Curiously, the package was addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, who now regularly appears on CNN to bash President Trump.

As for a return address, the sender gave Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ office address. Wasserman Schultz herself was the recipient of a similar package on Wednesday, which police later confirmed contained an explosive device.

Law enforcement sources told CNN that the package was delivered by courier.

Zoomed in close, some observers noticed a sticker on the device resembling the black flag of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS or ISIL) terrorist organization. IS has not claimed any responsibility for the attack, nor has the flag’s authenticity been confirmed.

The pipe bomb seen in Acosta’s photographs is similar to others sent to Former President Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton earlier. Both of these packages were intercepted by US Secret Service agents before they could reach their intended recipients, and have been described as “rudimentary, but functional.” None of the bombs actually exploded, and nobody has yet been harmed.

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio described the mailing of the explosives to CNN as “clearly an act of terror,” meant “to undermine our free press and leaders of our country through acts of violence.” De Blasio also asked President Trump to “bring down the rhetoric,” implying that Trump’s rhetoric somehow caused the attempted attacks.

Law Enforcement agencies have not yet commented on who they believe may be responsible, but believe that Wednesday’s bombs were the work of the same suspect or suspects who left a pipe bomb in the mailbox of billionaire liberal financier George Soros on Monday.

The device was safely detonated by bomb squad officers and the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task force is investigating the incident.

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