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22 Nov, 2018 06:04

A Deal with the Devil: Satanists settle lawsuit with Netflix in good faith

A Deal with the Devil: Satanists settle lawsuit with Netflix in good faith

Netflix has agreed to give the devil his due and credit the designers of a demonic statue that the company had used without permission on the set of a new TV show.

While the Satanic Temple doesn’t care much for the conventional laws of morality, it seems they do have a great deal of respect for copyright law.

The Satanists and Netflix reached an agreement this Wednesday regarding the $50mn dollar copyright lawsuit filed earlier this month, according to a statement posted on the Temple's website. The lawsuit claimed that the streaming service’s new show “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” featured an unauthorized copy of a statue belonging the church.

The nine-foot-tall bronze statue of the goat-headed demon Baphomet was designed and commissioned by the church in 2014, and cost around $100,000 to produce. Aside from Netflix having appropriated his image, the Satanists felt that the show had painted an unfair picture of what the demon they call “the hieroglyph of arcane perfection” is really all about. In the Satanic Temple, it’s mostly about personal freedom. In Sabrina, it’s about eating people and being “unholy”.

The agreement settled copyright related issues by crediting the church at the end of the episodes where the statue is featured, but a confidentiality agreement will leave us guessing about what Netflix will have to do in order to appease the dark lord for their offense.

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